One Day Left = Retirement

I was just talking to my in-laws about retiring... I'm 55, the same age my dad was when he retired. I'm not quite ready yet but if I get offered a package at 60 I might jump at it.
Congrats Jeff, I'm mighty happy for your new found freedom!
At first when I retired, I would be working on something and think to myself I need to wrap this up because tomorrow is a workday.... Oh wait I don't have any workdays any longer. It's a good feeling. Congratulation again Jeff.

At first when I retired, I would be working on something and think to myself I need to wrap this up because tomorrow is a workday.... Oh wait I don't have any workdays any longer. It's a good feeling. Congratulation again Jeff.

I woke up at 2:30 last night, thought, I may as well get up.
I would get up at 3:00 on a normal work day.
I soon realize, I’m retired.
I got up at 4:30, I slept in. :)
WoW, 2:30 is when I usually get to bed, get up at anywhere from 9:30 - 11:00 depending upon how I feel.
Quad shot coffee to kickstart the brain then a mix of chores, shopping, shop till 4:30 for a half hour scan (senior citizens afternoon nap)
Then back in the shop, gardening after 6 when its a bit cooler, prep and cook dinner for about 8pm, bit of telly, then research (internet) netflix or reading then bed.
Rinse and repeat.
Sometimes its astronomy all night and bed around 6am then sleep all day and dont worry.
WoW, 2:30 is when I usually get to bed, get up at anywhere from 9:30 - 11:00 depending upon how I feel.
Quad shot coffee to kickstart the brain then a mix of chores, shopping, shop till 4:30 for a half hour scan (senior citizens afternoon nap)
Then back in the shop, gardening after 6 when its a bit cooler, prep and cook dinner for about 8pm, bit of telly, then research (internet) netflix or reading then bed.
Rinse and repeat.
Sometimes its astronomy all night and bed around 6am then sleep all day and dont worry.
I’ve always been a morning person.
In high school my parents set a curfew at midnight.
Heck, I never got home that late.