No-rust Paper

I read a manufacturer dissertation on VCI once and they said that the VCI is best when it is directly facing a surface. IOW, you have to surround something for best results.

Me? I use ATF, the cheaper the better, and have never had a rust problem on anything I have coated with it. I have also used ATF mixed with either paraffin wax or lanolin (using heat very carefully) to protect bare steel exposed to the elements. It is a thick goop and as long as the "goop" is brushed on thick it will last until ablated or rubbed off without any corrosion issues. Sort of a shop made equivalent of Cosmoline. Of course, I live in the California central valley, where cars can last many decades without rusting...
wrap a goat in vsi paper and I bet it wont rust bill
This is one of the most popular subjects which its the same problem for all.I was introduce to this product couple yrs ago.Its not cheap maybe around 11-15 can.When you spray something it comes out as kinda a foam which then I use either my finger or small rag to spread it all over the metal surfaces.Once you spray the surface let it dry then put away,so far I like it and think its better than T9 which is a product I also use.Lots of good ideals here thanks for posting---kroll







Tried posting this pic also but can't but here it is.






I've been testing and using various anti corrosion coatings, films and sprays.
Here's what I've found; BoeShield t9 works very well for long term protection. (3 months).
Recently, I've been using Dow Corning Molykote Metal Protectant Plus. It's a wax dissolved in hydrocarbons.
It can be thinned with mineral spirits. (I use odorless). Sprayed through a Pre-val sprayer, it is easy-pz.

It's very sticky but can be wiped clean easily. You can dip, brush or spray one or more layers and it lasts.
LPS3 works really well also but doesn't last as long.

I'm moving soon so I need to store my metal tools and parts. I wrap some coated pieces with Vci after spraying with the Molykote.
Starrett M1 is great for the short term.

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