Electric Vehicles on the horizon? Do your homework

Again, the Tesla is an absolutely phenomenal car.
Respectfully, I'd like to disagree. Not for the sake of being disagreeable; just to offer another perspective. :)

I agree they drive well, but in my opinion they've way over-computerized the car. I really hate the touchscreen and the gizmos like pop-out door handles. My uncle has a Model S, and an OTA update had a bug that opened the passenger rear door every time you put the car in park. Took Tesla a month to patch it. A door latch needs a linkage, not a brain. I'd really like an electric car, not an electronic car.

RE Cost: I don't think comparing their entry-level sedan to a pickup is really fair. They just plain are more expensive, even over the lifetime of ownership. Hopefully, that will change in the near future as battery costs continue to fall and the big automakers roll out serious offerings. To someone like me, the added cost is worth it, but not everyone is willing to foot the extra expense.

RE Charging: Charging is tough for a renter like me. It's on the renter to install a charger IF the landlord is willing to go along with it. At my current house, I have to park in the driveway, which would necessitate outdoor EVSE and a long cord to the car. A lot of vehicles live their lives without a garage, and charging those cars is a tough nut to crack for the EV industry.

RE Range anxiety: IMO, range anxiety happens during the shopping process, not behind the wheel. For someone who has access to a second vehicle for long trips, the ideal EV range is 40 miles. Conversely, I have 750 miles of range in my pickup, and I've used it. The impact of having to plan trips around charging shouldn't be underestimated.

I worked for a company developing EVSE during college, and I'm an EV believer. I just want to offer my perspective. I'm someone who would really like to drive an EV, but for whom they just aren't a practical option.
Any sports car newer than mid 2000s is a nanny state crap box filled with anti-fun electric garbage.
If you want fun car to drive with the best gear box, try the MX5. There is a racing class for it also.
And I thought I was slow
I have a 1981 GMC C7000 4X4 top speed 58 gets 11 mpg with 25,900 lbs load,with 2 tanks, 50 gallons each. Stops was every 3-4 hours (been old)
Riverside Ca to Fort Lauderdale 4 days
I don't think comparing their entry-level sedan to a pickup is really fair. They just plain are more expensive, even over the lifetime of ownership.

"they" being the pickup or the electric sedan?

Nothing to contribute here. I think bicycles are the answer. But I'm just trying to keep up with what everyone is saying.
Maybe I’m just dense but how do you get nearly two tons of weight out one ton?

I’ve crammed 10 lbs of crap into a 5lb bag, but never had to take it out!

Seriously though can someone point to the math on this? I’ve seen this claim of some figure or another but it just seems to defy logic. Is it the weight of the oxygen bonding with the carbon molecule?

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Ha, I love it.
The math, I’m not yet convinced an EV in the long run is wort it.
A modern IC is darn near emission free.
We’ll see how it plays out.
Many great points here, +&-. For me the bottom line is IC is close to emission free for CO and HC but there are a bunch of gobbly **** hexans and other volatile chemicals that the smog machines don’t test for that is no bueno for kaka de toro going into the air causing cancer and lung disease. Alcohol doesn’t have that. It’s renewable and burns clean. But oh no, say we need to cut our dependence on foreign oil. We tree huggers hear cut our dependence on oil, yay! The petro elite hear “yeah, drill baby drill every park and preserve they can get their grubby hands on.“ Guess who won?

But IC should have been a bridge to better tech, not squatting like an obese billion pound gorilla squashing under its massive tush, all change. It has been an unholy alliance from when Rockefeller didn’t know what to do with the garbage called gasoline he had left over from refining oil. So he dumped in the Hudson River at night. Then he and the burgeoning car manufacturers made a pact with the devil oil and went after public transportation and destroyed it. Making cars, “personal transportation” and basing the whole economy on it. Damn the planet, profits first! Creative destruction at its most psychopathic. I don’t know how Musk managed to get as far as he and Tesla have. Talk about David and Goliath.

I guess I’m for bicycles too.
Some numbers to consider:

Avg car still emits 6 tons of CO2 per year plus "other stuff"

It takes 5 kwh to refine 1 gallon of gas which is equivalent to 20miles range on an avg EV

35% of city driving is regenerative so instead of wearing rotors and pads you are generating KWH's when you slow down

All our electricity is hydro sourced (Canada, BC west coast)

Gasoline cost almost $8/gallon here !!!!
No one love's his dinosaur burning toy's more than me, but have you taken a look out the window lately. Things are changing fast, and not for the better. I think we have the ability to, if not stop global warming, to at least lessen it's inevitable advance, and consequences. Unfortunately the people running things in this country, and many others, are at best, not up to the job, and at worst, actively fighting any meaningful change, in devotion to the almighty dollar. Same old sh*t, different day. I'm going to go read about old school machining, and cleanse my mind now. Mike
I guess when we view skewed statistics every thing will be Skewed.
I feel ripped off by the whole battery power tools fiasco.
None of them seem to be any good.
Cars running on batteries..... Bwahahaha a very mean joke perpetrated on a very gullible public.