2016 POTD Thread Archive

On a different note...
Awoke this AM to a flurry outside the bedroom. Investigation showed one hawk sitting in the lowest Sycamore limb, about 4 feet off the ground, and another on the ground, about 6 feet away. Twice, the one on the ground flew away then back. Speculation is that Momma's trying to encourage Jr. to venture aloft. Jr. just sat there for at least 10 minutes. Eventually he flew about 10 feet and landed on the ground, then flew about 20 feet into another tree. Over the years we've seen several of these scenes, in one case a pair of rose breasted woodpeckers with Jr between them flying by the feeder, then one would stop. The next pass both Jr and the other parent would stop and gobble some sunflower seeds. No, I don't know the name of the Hawks, I'm just an observer, not a Watcher. We live surrounded by woods/forest and have lots of small neighbors.
I've been doing some woodworking since I got back from the honeymoon, because the 90+ degree shop temps yield a lot of dripping sweet that my precision machine tools don't like! :eek 2:
Hi Franko,

It's built from plans from RG&G, web site www.gatlingguns.net. There are also plans out there from D&E Engineering; I have both but chose to build the RG&G version. Let me know if you take on the project, there are many drawing errors. Also, lots of mods guys have done to make them work. ... Bruce

Thanks, Bruce. I've seen several plans available, but had no clue about the particulars. I don't know if I'll ever actually get around to making one, but it has been one of my pipe dreams for a while. If I were to go to all the trouble and expense to make, I would sure as heck want to be able to fire it.
snip I cheated a bit on the barrels and used Ruger 10-22 barrels instead of tubing and a barrel sleeve per the plans. snip

IMO, that's not cheating, that's good judgment and efficient use of available resources.
I mentioned about the remodel of my mother's home that my brothers and I are doing. New kitchen in new location will be done this afternoon when the guy doing the tile finishes the grout. Whereas none of us had done any tile work she hired that one out and we did not complain.

Demolition of the old galley kitchen and the wall and pantry separating it from the living room were done the past two Saturdays, and we laid down new 3/8" subfloor CDX plywood to match what we had to do in the kitchen for the bamboo flooring warranty. But first I had to remove and replace two layers of rotted subfloor around the old sink and dishwasher.


For some reason the water heater in the basement was vented with 6" double wall (8" OD). Code and GAMA charts say 4". We also wanted to move the vent into the new closet in the corner, so I ran 4" B vent up from the basement in the new alignment, then angled back to the old vent in the attic, right up to the cap. I've never done HVAC work before (well, I swapped a central air unit once), but my FIL is a safety inspector for the gas company with 35 years on the job and I used to do architectural sheet metal, so it wasn't a big deal and saved a lot of money.


We are not framers. We made some mistakes, and a professional framer would have laughed hysterically watching us, but we got it done and it is solid, square, and plumb. I'm on the right:


I still need to add a little more to form a built-in shelving unit, enclose the new vent with proper spacing, and form the new cold air return duct at the base, but we can finally get a sense of the whole room for the first time. It's HUGE. And the pantry no longer blocks the way to and view through the stairs, so it's an even bigger change than we expected.

It has been a very good family project. Even my giant nephew is learning some manual skills.


And my kids were thrilled on the first day of demolition when I handed them safety glasses and hammers and told them they could hit the walls. :)

My sister got this cool one of my son and I working "together":

My mother has wanted this for a very long time so it's good to finally get it done. We have a deadline at the end of July which is proving to be just the right grade of stretch goal. After that I should have a lot more time in my shop, as long as my wife doesn't decide it's time to do her mom's place. :)

I made a c-clamp wall holder in the shop. Bought a 36" SS grab rail like what you find in hotels and homes. The back side of the wall is open at the moment so I glued in some reinforcements for the screws. Other than the speedy clamps, the regular ones can go in from the back or hang off the front.
