If I were going to buy one new 6" chuck for my 10" Logan, which should I buy? I currently have one worn 3 jaw and one worn 4 jaw. Both have seen better days. Parameters are:
Will work for 90% of what I do. In order: Learning to turn, building tooling for my lathe and mill, eventually build model engines.
Cost is a factor. If I am going to spend money it needs to be reasonable and efficient. Get the most bang for the least amount of money.
I was thinking either a 4 jaw or a set true 3 jaw. But I want some opinions.
My vote goes to a good 3 jaw chuck, just a plain scroll chuck without the set-tru feature. This will work on all nominal stock and will be dead on accurate for first operations work if the jaws are in decent shape. For a hobby guy, this is the cheapest way to go and will handle 90+% of the jobs you'll do on the lathe. They also tend to be the cheapest chuck configuration.
4 jaw independent chucks are the most potentially accurate chucks and are also useful for turning off-axis features on a part but they are slower to use. For first op work, this would not be my choice. However,
you should have one for second op work when accuracy counts.
Set-tru scroll chucks are nice to have IF you are doing multiples in a production run and want the speed of a 3 jaw or scroll chuck. You can dial them in for a specific diameter and they will minimize run out for that specific diameter. However, if you chuck up something that is not of the same diameter then run out can increase significantly, even in the same production run. Not all nominal stock is the same size, trust me. The common argument you will see is that "I dialed in my set-tru 3 jaw for minimal run out and it is the most accurate chuck I have". True, too. However, the reality is that
if the application is first op work on nominal stock then a plain old 3 jaw will be just as accurate. Where a set-tru 3 jaw has an advantage is if you use it for second op work or you're turning accurately ground stock; then it is clearly a better option if speed is important. Otherwise, a 4 jaw is probably as good an option, if not better.
So, I would suggest a 3 jaw from a good maker - Pratt Burnered International from England, Rohm from Germany, Yuasa from Japan, Samchully from Korea are all top shelf and there are others. Soul from Japan and Bison are also good. The best chucks are forged steel, have published minimal run out numbers and the most accurate pinion will be marked.