What Did You Buy Today?

I picked up an old jewelers lathe. It is a Derbyshire. 2 headstocks. One is geared and 2 tail stocks. No reason for getting it. It will be a project I suppose.

Cutting oil is my blood.
Nice. I've had that same one for years, bought it in 1999. Probably use it every 5 years! :)

I'd like to fit a stepper drive to make a digital rotary table out of it, someday... :)
I have an old 10" rotary table partially configured that way. Decided I needed to finish out the crane after taking it apart multiple a couple times in the process of working on mounting the stepper, as it weighs something like 170 lbs. I'll get back to it, someday.
and my guess is at least one bolt or nut will need something like this. If not, I'll chalk it up to the fact that these were in the tool box!
Preemptive tool acquisitions, "Good thing I bought these so I'll never need them". I like your logic!

My wife and I call it "outwitting Murphy".
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See, that is where I, personally, have an issue. Why spend money on something I can make and possibly learn a few things whilst doing it. Sure, it may take a while, but rather spend that time making it which is faster than waiting for it to "drop through the letterbox" (UK term) as-it-were.

I refuse to spend money "just because it is easier". I think that is referred to as being "financially sensible" or is it "fiscal sensibility" these days?

Then there is always the "I'll buy one, then take it apart and rebuild it into something better than I bought" option.
Preemptive tool acquisitions, "Good thing I bought these so I'll never need them". I like your logic!

My wife and I call it "outwitting Murphy".

I call it "staging tools for future work", but I think I will pinch your phrase of "outwitting Murphy" and use that from now on.

My missus keeps asking "surely you have enough tools already", but never blinks when I say "so glad I have this tool so that I can fix this for you, aren't you glad I bought this when I did?" since she realises that had I not had the tool to hand, I could not have done the job! Works every time.

And no, my missus never complains about me buying tools, in fact, she often encourages me to do so knowing as she does that I never buy a tool without having a darned good reason or use case for it.

Might explain why I have tools for virtually every conceivable job.... I like to be independant of relying on other people to do a job I know I can do.
I call it "staging tools for future work", but I think I will pinch your phrase of "outwitting Murphy" and use that from now on.

My missus keeps asking "surely you have enough tools already", but never blinks when I say "so glad I have this tool so that I can fix this for you, aren't you glad I bought this when I did?" since she realises that had I not had the tool to hand, I could not have done the job! Works every time.

And no, my missus never complains about me buying tools, in fact, she often encourages me to do so knowing as she does that I never buy a tool without having a darned good reason or use case for it.

Might explain why I have tools for virtually every conceivable job.... I like to be independant of relying on other people to do a job I know I can do.
My partner and I have a very simple agreement. I don't ask about clothes or purses, and she doesn't ask about tools. Though like your spouse, she really doesn't care.
New toy. Have asked the seller if they can replace the lock.


Edit: Replacement handle lock bolt arrived while I was out of town. The threads are secured to the knob with a roll pin in a blind hole.



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