What Did You Buy Today?

Blimey, maybe she should be be a tattoo artist! :big grin:

And maybe you should have her do that design on you!

But for the love of God, don't ride a fixed gear bicycle, grow a thin handlebar moustache and ironically drink craft beer from a jam jar.

I'll admit to a few reservations about some of the cultural mores of the citizens of our still-rebellious-colonies (damn it all sir, a large number of you fellows don't even own a proper teapot!) but I'll take your Stetson wearing, shootin' iron totin', "man wants guv'ment heelthcare; must be a goddamn commyoonist" ways over Godawful, tossy, pseudo-intellectualism any day. :big grin::p:)

Back on topic, I just missed out on a 1960s vintage 6" York vice on FBM. :frown:
We’re still as rebellious as we were in the 1700s. The pots are still being thrown in the harbor along side the crates of tea.

It’s just a little harder to lift them in our old age, and even harder to remember where they are.
If your perception of all Americans as wearimg Stetsons ... uh, well that's like saying all UKers wear kilts. Lol something like that anyway. I wear neither. Chances are though the 2 perfectly compliment each other.
Sounds like there are enough old Wiltons around that a bit of patience and a short trip to see the item can net a good vice.

I could look for an older York vice (I believe the Czech founder nicked the design from Wilton) but I'm mostly seeing the newer Yorks that are off lesser quality (although possibly better than the Chinese vices everybody seems to sell).

Eh, maybe £50-odd + £15 postage isn't too much to take a punt I guess. :)
Actually, Wilton nicked the design from York! Then they registered the design as a trademark, which can last forever, so no one else could use it.
I was just joking... my daughter drew that with a marker... :D :p
Just in case...I was joking about all citizens of the United States of America wearing Stetsons, carrying ordnance and calling UK citizens' fondness of their National Health Service evidence of revolutionary socialism!:grin:

But not about the teapots. I don't know how you all can cope without a teapot...:eek:
Just in case...I was joking about all citizens of the United States of America wearing Stetsons, carrying ordnance and calling UK citizens' fondness of their National Health Service evidence of revolutionary socialism!:grin:

But not about the teapots. I don't know how you all can cope without a teapot...:eek:
We start happy hour at about 9:00 AM. No need for tea when you’re half in the bag by 11:00 AM. The rest of the day is just a blur.
If your perception of all Americans as wearimg Stetsons ... uh, well that's like saying all UKers wear kilts. Lol something like that anyway. I wear neither. Chances are though the 2 perfectly compliment each other.
Kilts? No, that would be the blue painted barbarians north of the border.

The English all are issued with either (depending on class and region):
  • A flat cap and clogs.
  • A red kerchief, a grubby waistcoat, a pair of 'gawd blimey' tousers, some hobnailed boots and the lyrics of all Chas 'n Dave's songs.
  • A straw hat, a large cowpat smeared smock and hole ridden wellingtons.
  • A bowler hat and a black James Smith & Sons umbrella
  • Threadbare tweeds, a pair of Purdey side-by-side guns and a fellah to carry them around for us.
on our 13th Birthday.

God alone knows what the Welsh wear? I think they're mostly naked.

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