Excelent craftsmanship! I am following this with great interest, as I found Bills build after it was complete.
For several years I have considered building a cutter grinder the size of a bread box.
My needs are to sharpen horizontal cutters up to 4 inch O.D. and end mills.
I havent got off center yet as I have a full size industrial T&G. But that is the problem its HUGE and in the way.
I do have two questions about this Bonelle design concept that I don't understand.
1) With so many adjustments, how are the various axies brought exactly to "Zero"? {Question defined as adjusting precisely "Parallel or Square" to the grinding wheel.}
2) I understand how to use a Deckel, as well as an Industrial tool grinder. With the Bonelle design, how are the spiral flutes of an endmill ground?
Keep up the good work!