Not much different yet. Bought another portable deep cut band saw and a stand thingie from Harbor Freight to replace a 24 year old abrasive cut off saw, you know the type that makes a big mess in the shop. It has been on the way out besides, as I have abused it for years. Had to put new brushes in it a few years back. I kind of smoked it cutting some thick steel bar stock, and it's not been the same since.
So when Harbor Freight had a sale recently for the cutoff stand thing for a deep cut band saw and the saw as well, what could I do? So the rolling cart for the old saw was modified to hold the new setup, but it's not finished yet. SWMBO is still recuperating from the broken ankle and we're starting to practice transfers, to and from the wheel chair currently to other things. So far the most difficult is the car, but we're getting there.
So after I get home from the rehabilitation center, I'm typically not in the mood for much beyond a meal and a nap! But I have started to get out there for an hour or so. Anyway, I'll get a picture of the setup once I have finished it. It's going to need some fettling to get it square, but there's enough wiggle room in the assembly to allow for a decent setup. I used it to cut the new steel for the mounting frame and it took a little bit of grinding to make it square enough. And the best part is less! Less noise, less grinder stuff, less fire hazard... just less of all of the objectionable stuff associated with an abrasive cut off saw.