Well, it's almost finished! There's only one small pile of stuff on a portable bench to get sorted and stored. Here's a couple of pictures of the garage.
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1st picture, the remaining stuff to get sorted. I have to get some storage containers of some sort. Bins, jars, boxes, suggestions?
2nd picture, the new to me lathe, and the drill presses to the left of the picture. There's also a Sunnen honing machine back by the stair landing. If I were to acquire a milling machine, I have no idea where I'd put it. Start over on the garage cleanup?
3rd picture, bolt bins! Lots of bolt bins!
4th picture, the rolling workbench, toolbox, what can I say thing! It's now rolling on no flat tires. Hopefully they won't flatspot if not moved too much. So now I have to get back to the Whatever project and get some more of the project done.
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And here's one of the first things in the queue. It's a 1962 Borg Warner T10 transmission. And that big shaft between the two needs to get inside one. 1st step, get the left one apart. 2nd step, sort out the good from the bad. 3rd step, make a list of parts to purchase. 4th step, put it all back together.
That's all for now, the T10 rebuild will be in the Whatever project thread.