The E3D V6 is what the Prusa MK3 comes with. Very popular, many low cost parts available for it. Good solid choice to start with. Not the easiest to work with, the nozzle needs to be hot torqued and loosened, and the heat break tube that supports the heater block is thin and fragile so care is required when working with it and the unprotected heater and thermistor wiring to the heater block is easy to damage. The quality of the knockoff parts varies.
I'm planning to use a Voron Revo hotend in the Trident. Revo nozzles are more expensive and only available from E3D, but they can be changed at room temperature without tools and precise torque is not required. Hardened and high flow nozzles for Revo are not out yet but should be soon. Hardened nozzles are overdue on pre-order but there is apparently a new delay. There are versions of the Revo for V6 mounts, but the Voron version has a mount that doesn't rotate. Rotation is undesirable when changing nozzles. The Revo has protected wiring and heats and cools much faster than the V6.
Voron generally recommends starting with the BOM parts and getting that working before making changes, especially for a new user.
The LDO kit comes with a few changes so I will probably use most of those. Depending on timing I might use the supplied Klicky Z probe or move directly to the Voron Tap. They say the Voron Tap is an advanced project so it might not be the best way to start, but if the timing is right I may try it. The BOM for Voron Tap is due to release very soon, as is the LDO kit, so it may work out. I don't plan to rush the build.