The Voron kit build thread

I decided to go with PIF (Voron Team Print it Forward) for my first Voron parts set. I have an enclosure for the MK3 but subjecting it to those temperatures for a long time will likely negatively affect the PETG parts the Prusa is made of. The quality of the PIF parts is really good, and the pricing is very low. The downside is the wait time. Since I was slowly collecting parts that was not a problem. I will use the first Voron to print parts for the others I plan to build.
Supposedly my parts will be here next week. With Thanksgiving in there though it will probably be the following week, which is fine because I have plenty to do.
@Ken226 I decided to order my printed parts from a guy on Etsy.
I was trying to get my Prusa to print ASA but unless I built an enclosure, the prints would fail (actually a heatbed error). I am doing my accent color in dark blue. Zyltech Dark Blue

Good idea.

I'm using ABS for the parts that'll be inside the Voron, and PLA for the skirts, external fan grills, etc. Basically, for stuff that'll never get above room temp. My Flashforge handles ABS like a champ. It's been running non stop for 3 days now with the bed at 100c and the extruder at 245c.

But, it's probably worth it to buy the parts. My Flashforge has been running literally, 24-7 since I started this thread, printing Voron parts.

But, I also shouldn't need near as many printed parts, since I paid out the butt for that CNC aluminum kit. Still kinda wondering why I did that, lol. It was half the price of the entire Voron kit itself.
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I haven't seen much info on the aluminum parts for the Vorons. Nero mentioned that the Voron parts designs are for ABS so aluminum parts should be redesigned rather than just machined from the existing designs. Voron also changes the printed parts designs pretty often so upgrades generally involve replacing mostly printed parts. I have been upgrading many of the Railcore parts to aluminum, in that case the CNC parts are not using the printed parts designs.

The PIF parts kits include the essential parts, things like the skirts are not provided. They assume you can get your Voron working and then make the noncritical parts yourself.
I haven't seen much info on the aluminum parts for the Vorons. Nero mentioned that the Voron parts designs are for ABS so aluminum parts should be redesigned rather than just machined from the existing designs. Voron also changes the printed parts designs pretty often so upgrades generally involve replacing mostly printed parts. I have been upgrading many of the Railcore parts to aluminum, in that case the CNC parts are not using the printed parts designs.

The PIF parts kits include the essential parts, things like the skirts are not provided. They assume you can get your Voron working and then make the noncritical parts yourself.

Yea, some of the aluminum parts are clearly different than the printed versions. Many are the same, but tapped rather than using nuts or inserts, but some are different shapes, and some are 2 pieces where the printed versions is one part.

Even if I don't use all af the aluminum parts, some of the parts like gantry corner connections, and the hot-end holder/body should provide at least some advantages.
The new Voron Tap carriage (nozzle probe) upgrade may retire some of those aluminum parts, if you decide to do that. Does your kit come with the StealthBurner toolhead? The Tap upgrade is not compatible with the AfterBurner toolhead, and the AfterBurner cooling is a bit weak for PLA. The StealthBurner is set up for the Tap upgrade and has better cooling. I'm planning to go with the StealthBurner.

The 2.4 gantry needs to be a little flexible since it is supported by four Z belt drives and they twist it slightly to tram it.
The new Voron Tap carriage (nozzle probe) upgrade may retire some of those aluminum parts, if you decide to do that. Does your kit come with the StealthBurner toolhead? The Tap upgrade is not compatible with the AfterBurner toolhead, and the AfterBurner cooling is a bit weak for PLA. The StealthBurner is set up for the Tap upgrade and has better cooling. I'm planning to go with the StealthBurner.

The 2.4 gantry needs to be a little flexible since it is supported by four Z belt drives and they twist it slightly to tram it.

Yea, I'm going with the stealthburner.

Neither my my Voron kit nor the aluminum kit come with any stealthburner parts. I have all of the .stl's from Voron though. My kit comes with a v6 hotend.

I'm not sure what the aluminum kit comes with. I don't know enough about these things to know.

This is the list of parts in the aluminum kit.

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Looks like a lot of usable parts there, and a few that probably won't be used, but not too many.