The Voron kit build thread

My previous Logitech C270 mount worked, but i didnt really like how easily it was knocked out of position.

I added a hole and two spring sockets. Two 1/8" x 1/2" springs and a M3x8mm grub screw should give a decent fine angle adjustability.

Of course, the top panel would have to be removed from the printer to adjust it. But, once set it shouldn't need messed with.


I would rather slog through an alternate solution, such as Opi or similar, than be held hostage by Rpi. If I wanted to sit by the computer and watch it intently, I would become a day trader. :rolleyes:
I'm pretty much at that point. Honestly, I'm darn lucky I don't absolutely have to have one right now. Staring at a screen or even being on alert all the time, sounds like more work than I care to do. The RPi is nice, but not chain me to a desk nice. If I can't get one when I need it, I'll look into an OPi.
I never sat there waiting for Pi's, I just set up alerts and monitored it when I was already on the computer or nearby, and chose to respond or ignore when the alert came by. I got several Pi's that way. I looked into buying an Orange Pi but it wasn't easy to buy one of those either, and they cost more than I paid for the Pi's. When I looked into details people were having problems with various aspects of the software. I have plenty of projects already so pass. But it is good to see folks taking other boards on and documenting their process which will help others use them.

Looks like Vilros and Adafruit had Pi's available today for awhile, and there was some foreign availability as well. Availability is definitely better recently.

I hear the Prusa Slicer team is working on a new feature for cutting a model and providing alignment pins for re-assembly after printing. Clearly one can already do that with various CAD tools, but this would probably be a lot more convenient if done well in the slicer. Nice!

Comparing the sizes of the Prusa MK3 in an enclosure (Wham Bam) with the Voron Trident 250 - 23x23x19 inches compared to 16x16x23. The Trident 250 print volume is a little larger than the Prusa, but the Trident's overall enclosed size is much less than the enclosed Prusa. I look forward to a 160mm print volume mini-Trident (Salad Fork) which will be even smaller yet still large enough to print most everything I generally print. That will save some space on my office workbench.
I'd like to enclose my Prusa MK3 at some point. Primarily, since the fumes from printing bother me. I'm only printing PLA, but I seem to be sensitized to the fumes. It really bothers my eyes. They water when printing, and if I am in the room long enough I get headaches. I'd like to enclose the printer and put in some sort of filtering like activated charcoal and maybe HEPA. Otherwise I have to relocate the printer elsewhere.
Sounds prudent. I've heard of some people that were quite sensitive to PLA. The Voron folks have a filter and fan module design that uses activated carbon recirculation, the Trident LDO kit included the fans for one. Prusa's MK3 enclosure has an optional filter kit as well. Their enclosure is quite nice and sturdy enough to stack. Other options include lights, a fire extinguisher system, and locking doors. I wonder if Printed Solid has them for sale, they do now have the printers in stock for retail sale.

The enclosure I have is a temporary one from Wham Bam. Good for short term use, but not for sealing and filtering.

Another thing to try might be to move to PETG instead, if that doesn't bother you it might be a better choice.

One caution - the active carbon must NOT be the acid-washed type. Apparently this is common. When folks used that variety in their printer everything rusted overnight.
One caution - the active carbon must NOT be the acid-washed type. Apparently this is common. When folks used that variety in their printer everything rusted overnight.
Very good to know. Would aquarium grade activated carbon be ok?
I don't know, it pays to be cautious. The Voron Discord would be a good place to ask or search, seems to me that has been discussed.
Did you find this video on Discord?

Personally I find Discord like a teenager on speed, scattered and tough to follow. Might be my poorer search capabilities, I find there's lots there, but not easy to extract. Also, coming in cold, without a lot of domain specific knowledge, it's hard to know the good folks from the self appointed talking heads.

So if one doesn't want acid washed activated carbon, what is the right kind?
I have a hard time with Discord, but it's getting a little better as I force myself to use it. I did find that on Discord, but I had seen that video and am subscribed to that utuber already. In this case a search in the Voron discord brought that up.

One tactic is to buy it from a vendor that is on the Voron Discord. Those vendors know what is needed and they get kicked off the Discord vendor area if they don't do the right things, so there is some vetting. I think in any of the Voron Discord channels that bad answers will get respectfully shouted down, there is a strong core of supporters there. Each time I've asked a question I've had supportive helpful quality answers.

Let me do a search now and see what I can find.

Active Carbon for Nevermore Filter
Nevermore Carbon is a good search term
pellets, de dusted, ideally vacuum packed or at least well sealed
Coconut based is said to be better, product should be suited for filtering air/gasses (different from water/liquid filtration)
steam activated (not acid washed) (acid washed causes rust)
Voron Vendors on the Discord: Fabreeko, Kb3D, West3D, DFH among others may have Nevermore Carbon
Voron Vendor Fabreeko is specifically mentioned in the Nevermore github page

EnviroSupply in the US offers various types on Amazon
but some say don't trust anything on Amazon

more on the Nevermore Filter github about sourcing proper carbon

I suspect avoiding acid washed is the most important thing, and get a type designed for air filtration that is dust free pellets

I plan to start with some from a Vendor that's on Voron Discord, they have websites so you don't have to buy through Discord, but the ones that have a channel in the Vendor area are very Voron aware. I expect that by the time the first batch runs out I'll have more understanding and can procure a product through other channels at a better price.