The Voron kit build thread

Time to go through one of the Klipper config videos or articles for the Voron. There are a number of config files to set up for the controller, wiring harness, motors, sensors, etc.
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Here's a naive answer:
Open up your printer.cfg file. Is there a line at or near the top that says
#include mainsail.cfg

No. But, I copied and pasted the line from the Mainsail.cfg file into the Printer.cfg file, and the errors are all gone.

now im running through the "initial startup" operations from here:

So far, the fans, heaters and thermisters are testing good!
Just found the Omron inductive sensor, didn't realize there was one in this kit since it includes Klicky. It was mixed in with the cabling. So I'll use that since it just fits with minimum fuss and should plug directly into the cable harness. I'm thinking I will skip the Klicky for now since it is not critical and would be replaced later anyway with Tap.

Now printing a standoff to separate the toolhead board from the LGX. Sounds like some fan bearings are wearing out... They rattle at certain speeds for a bit and then quiet down..
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The next step for me is the gantry build.

That is really awesome that you are getting yours finished up Ken.
Was wondering why the bed frame spherical bearing screws didn't catch, had forgotten about the problem I had with the nuts not being retained, and after losing the first one I left them out of the assemblies. The accent piece is apparently supposed to retain them but it has a large enough clearance they can and do fall out. So they are installed now and the bed frame is mounted. I had delayed that and jumped to other assembly processes so it was longer than usual between the steps. Luckily the LDO kit has a spare nut since the first one disappeared on the floor somewhere..
Just FYI,

I was having some probe accuracy problems. Tightened my Z belts to the 2nd from the highest setting on the belt tension gauge that Alan posted a couple days ago, and the accuracy got way, way better. Probably a side effect of the design, but these are way tighter than the belts in my flashforge.

Here is the accuracy check after tightening the belts.


By the way, the hammerhead t-nuts they put in our kit for the enclosure mounting, they suck! The clearance is so close to the rail slot size that half of them have to be forced in, and they rarely rotate and grab like they are supposed to. On about half of them I had to reach in with a tiny allen wrench and rotate them. I hope whoever sourced those for this kit catches gonorrhea.

Quad gantry levelling is now successful, thanks to Alan's belt tool. Thanks!!

I can already see, I'm gonna need some case lighting in this thing.
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Printers need a lot of light, even when not enclosed. I have some 24V led strip material that I plan to use. Perhaps Voron Mods has some good mounts for this.

Sounds like a lot more tension than I am using. I'll keep that in mind.

I had a near miss, today I'm printing some missing parts for the Voron, little stuff that I can replace later. One of them, the Z probe body, came unstuck from the printbed and made a small blob of doom but it did not stick to the printhead so no damage done. Earlier the printed underbed WAGO mount came out fine. These operate near the printbed so I'll have to print ABS replacements very soon before they melt. :)

The LDO kit hammerhead nuts have been ok so far. I have used a few of them. Variations in extrusions and nuts are a common problem in these small extrusion sizes. I was sliding some of the Tnuts into the bed extrusion and about 20% of them would not even slide in easily from the end.
On Prusa Live today they talked about the coming soon Prusa Slicer 2.6 with Organic Supports and Measurements. Organic supports are much improved, easier to remove, and use less plastic. They look like the model is being attacked by wild plant growths. The Measurements allow selecting features in the object (such as holes) and getting measurements, and also allows scaling to force desired measurement values. Sounds very useful. Coming soon. They will release (in the next day or so) some pre-sliced models that show how the supports look and you can try printing them.

Their interview this time is a company that puts data acquisition into baseball bats and balls using 3d printing for prototyping, quite interesting.

They mentioned that Prusa Slicer has 14 developers now. It is competing for 3D Printing Industry awards that are being voted now, so you can vote on the competition now. Link Below.

Prusa Live #47 Voting open till 10 December
I made it through all of the calibrations today. Extruder PID, Bed PID, extruder feed rate, etc.

Everything is working as it should. The only calibration i had trouble with was the probe/gantry levelling, which was fixed with belt tension.

All that's left to do is the front doors/hinges and to learn how to use Cura. I downloaded it, and it's a lot different than Flashprint.
