Starrett Double Square problem

Bridge City made a combination square with hardened steel dowels in the slot,to keep wear down to a minimum. With daily use,any sliding square will get worn. I expect the Starretts with hardened heads would be the most durable. I only rely on my fixed beam squares for serious work. I have granite squares to check them against,as well as a cylindrical square. Have a granite straight edge,and 3 camel back ones too,and a 4' Tumico.I'm a tool pig.

If you can find USA granite squares,they are the ultimate in accuracy. I did buy a Chinese granite square for the shop at work,though,and it was quite accurate(always a gamble though).
This turned out to be quite the discussion didn't it. All the responses are appreciated. I have taken it apart but to be honest its been a while ago. Since I discovered the issue I use it generally as a measure/depth gauge and not as a square. When I remember I'll take it apart again and do a closer inspection.