Smithy lead screws/nuts


I am sending the old Half Nut to you via UPS Ground today. I'll post a tracking number for you when it is on the way..
UPS Tracking Number 1ZE9Y9670365188872. eta 7/1/24.
Hey Peyton,

I'll keep an eye out for it coming. I think I figured out some of my issues and I'm working on another half nut for my machine. I was given the Smithy that I own because it fell off a forklift during transport, my boss didn't want it so he said I could take it. I fixed all the broken controls and have been using it since. The lead screw looks to be a bit bent which I think I have remedied. I also inspected the original half nut and compared against my copy, the tolerance of the grove on the stud was too large on my copy. This makes for a loose fit within the table and is also contributing to my problem of the table locking up.

I plan on remaking the half nut again and testing my theory. I already ordered parts from Smithy and reinstalled the original half nut. If everything works out I'll get working on your parts soon. I don't want to start making yours until I for sure have the process figured out. In the meantime I'll make a CAD model of your part.
Thanks for the update. Package is in route to you.
Got your package, I hope to start working on making your parts this weekend. I fixed my machine and I’m most of the way through remaking the half nut for my machine. Once I have the tolerances and process figured out for my machine I’ll use what I learned and start making yours.