I have had the 36" (I believe) sheet metal break for about 15 years. No complaints as it does what it's advertised for. Pass
The corded 1/2" impact gun does well - got it to drive some 8" lag bolts in a shed I built. Pass
Electric Sheet metal shear - pass.
Hand tools - mostly a pass.
Lot's of casters. = pass.
folding welding table -= big pass.
I'm just a tinkerer and handyman around the house or for my kids houses, and have not had many problems with harbor freight stuff. The only thing I've had fail from Harbor Freight, that I recall, was a vice, and I'm not sure that was the vice's fault. My son used it as a press, instead of my press, and broke the casting.
Just like anything else, buy for your purpose and check it out in the store before you buy.