I've got (3) identical 24x36" surface plates, ~350lbs each, sitting on dollies on the apron in front of my shop.
(2) are sitting on new "1000lb" dollies from HF purchased last week, the third one is sitting on an older one, purchased a few to several years ago.
I just went to re-locate them closer to the door, and the older one moves just fine, easy to control.
The two new ones? - forget about it! The casters on the new ones suck, no two ways about it. I couldn't control them like the older one.
I even moved them back out and try rolling them around to see if I'd picked up some debris. -nope.
With the older one there is no problem controlling the load. The new ones fought me tooth and nail.
I don't think I would care to have a load that was pushing a 1000lb on one of these new ones.
I realize that it is all about price points, but *gads* keep the casters a decent quality.
The older one is sitting up about a 1/2" higher than the new ones.
<End Rant, I'm going to go soak my bones now...>
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