Well compared to the other projects here in the preceding (15) pages, this is bush league.
New ramp for the mower shed.
Despite best intentions, three lasers (for triangulation of start point), a transit (for excavation), two 4' levels and a chalk line, it came out uneven...
Still trying to figure out where I went wrong. One of the lasers must be out of calibration.
The 8" portion shown between the new planks and the doors is the original steeply angled 2x6's.
I wanted a 'gentle' ramp that was not so severe. Too much of a 'drop-off' when coming out of the shed.
Should have demo'd out the original, but everytime we do that on this property it turns into major project, so we left it.
Besides, We still need to put a new roof on it and fix some of the trim, just like on the house...