Precision 1-2-3 blocks....


Site Founder
Sep 22, 2010
So this is the 1-2-3 block set from Brown and Sharp that I bought from the seller for $11 who did
not ship them till I made a stink. They are missing two screws.

They are called "Ultra Precision blocks" as you can see. What makes them "ultra precision"?

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They are parallel and square within a couple of tenths. Not that they are exactly 1.000 x 2.000 x 3.000 necessarily. That's why you shouldn't use them to check your micrometers. You don't know for a fact just exactly what size they are. They are furnished a little oversize so those who wish, and have the capability to grind or lap them can bring them pretty close to 1 x 2 x 3. But only if you can measure and verify to the degree of accuracy you need or want.
"What makes them "ultra precision"?"

I'm guessing it's the way they are ground to close tolerances. Here are a few spes's I found on them.
Each block precision ground on all 6 surfaces.
Case hardened to HRc 50 - 60. Surface finish from 6 to 16 micro inches. Squareness on all sides to within .0001". (23) Holes: (5) 3/8"-16 tapped; (18) untapped thru holes Oversized to allow for nominal lapping .0001"~.0003".

For $11 you got one heck of a deal!