POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

Today I did some painting and moving. Prep and painted the tire machine i recently bought. The upper part was very scratched and the paint yellowed. The paint dry quickly to i started to move it, i did put it on couple of round bars. At the door i seen that the cylinder for breaking the bead is sticking out. I'll have to connect an air hose to the machine and be pressing on the pedal when i move it.
I recommend a tip with about a 45 degree bend in it, and a custom end with a tiny.o-ring in it. You can seal on the face of a ball oiler and actually pump in the darn thing!

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Was already thinking a 45, but a tip with an oring groove sounds like a spankin’ idea!
Quick break from painting the Atlas. My eagle 66 can showed up today. Came out of the package like this:

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Like any semi-sane “machinery man”, first thing I did was pull it apart to it’s individual pieces and inspect for damages/wear.

Checked out all good, so I got out my tools for fixing stainless trim dents and worked out the worst of them. It didn’t have any serious hits to start with so it was quick and easy. Didn’t make it perfect, just respectable and the few little dings I left just show it has some age on it.

Then, 10-15 mins on the buffer, a coat of Carnauba wax on the newly polished pieces and final reassembly:

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Hard to complain about those results! Should look nice sitting by the metallic turquoise painted Atlas…all this and functional too!


I’m considering making a few more tubes for it. longer, shorter, bent tip, etc. Whatever I need to make it easier to hit all the Lathe and Mill oiling points.

I do have another on the way. it will get the same treatment as this one and then I’m set for oilers.…unless I find more at a low (ie:cheap) price.

Yes, I’m part crow. I like shiny things!

:grin big:
Can you do mine? Looks purty
In single pointing the threads in stainless for the special clamping joiners on the Giant Binocular I usually finish the thread by running a die up them.
The last time I did this the die cut a new thread thus ruining the original.
Some of this may be the free hand grinding I resort to so the tool bit never sits at right angles to the job although the 60" end sits correctly according to the fish gauge.
So I decided to knock up a grinding jig to ensure the whole tool bit and the tip are at perfect 90' to make setting up easier and hopefully spot on.
Its made from parts left in my scrap bin as I wanted something quick so its a bit clunky and I never thought of how to use it for other tip designs.
(already the ideas are churning)

grind 3.jpg

The angle setting bar is held with a screw and locking grub screw.
grind 2.jpg

The angle bar and cross piece can slide back and forth accross the wheel

grind 1.jpg

First try for the 60' thread tool bit and It seems to work fine.
Now to think about angled sliders for other shapes.
Made a new blade washer for my Unisaw.



POTD is more of a POTM. And the best part is I don't have to do anything! We live on 64-acres with about 5/8 mile of river as our South border. I brush hog a trail along the river but am continually losing ground to the vegetation (mainly Hawthorne- nasty, thorny stuff; also nettles about 5' high) growing up and over the trail from the river bank. About 20 years ago I spent a summer cutting everything back to the bank, ended up with lots of battle scars. And my lack of continual clean-up resulted in nature taking over the trails again.

Our county drain commission contracted a local excavating company to clean up the river bank and dredge the river to control flooding upstream. Even though it's not my POTD/M, I thought members would like to see what's being used to clean up the trails. I have no affiliation with the company, but Burkett Excavating of Belleville, MI is doing the work. I couldn't be happier with the job they've done.

Thanks for looking , Bruce

This is our place; about 3000' of river frontage with lots of vegetation
plan view.JPG

Well this is easier than walking a trail with a chain saw! The excavator has a grapple on it also, cut with the 4' blade, grab and dump
Now that's an insert!
This is what's ahead of the excavator

And a few weeks after the initial "blast-through" the woods/trail. I didn't catch the dozer model, but it'll be back. They still need to dredge the river and re-groom the trail after dredging.

Gotta love it when you have work done by a consciences company. The trees they had to take that were either in the river or about to fall in the river are neatly stacked right next to the trail. Gonna be easy work cutting firewood for the next few years.
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POTD was a few mods on a Google camera/flood light unit. My wife wanted a security camera on our porch to announce when someone is driving up our 800' driveway. She picked up a Google unit which is fine, but it's designed to be a side-mount instead of an under-the-soffit mount. She did some YouTubing and found that folks just drop a piece of pipe in the soffit mount and screw an exterior box onto the pipe to make the 90 deg. turn.

Still need to do some fine details like painting the black pipe and caulking around the box.

Thanks for looking, Bruce

We initially mounted the floodlight with a 3" length of black pipe, but the camera was too high and caught the bottom of our porch beam. I know, just aim the camera lower, but we couldn't see the start of our driveway. It needed to be extended down with an 8" length of pipe to get a view down the driveway. Cut off a 12" piece of black pipe on the HF band saw.

Chamfered the cut end prior to threading

Threaded with a 1/2" pipe die

View down the driveway

It's actually not as bad of an eyesore as it looks. Tucked up in the corner of our porch, bottom is about 7' high so Wilt Chamberlain would need to duck, but it's not in the walk path. Still need to do some caulking and painting of the pipe.
That's one heck of a brush hog Bruce! I understand why they do it that way and the need for access for dredging, but that's really uglified that river.