I'm not sure, maybe three inches in the threaded area.1/2 inch is nothing.
How much is it bent?
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To continue with your new part, I would either find a fitting collet, or chuck it up in a three-jaw. An ACME thread should be able to spread the clamping load over the thread and not damage the thread. If you're worried about doing damage, just slip some copper shims over the jaws first, then clamp away.
For the hanging end it seems to me that ideal would be a machinist jack with a v-groove, but if you can run it all the way through a collet block and choke up close to the end that you're milling with the other end hanging long out of the back of the collet block (requires a through-hole collet & block set up) then you might be OK without any support on that tail. Just my random thoughts, others may have better ideas.What is the best way to support this on the vertical mill to cut the key way for the woodruff key? I'm thinking I could hold it in a collet block secured in the vice, but I'm not sure how to support the other end that will be hanging out of the block. I have machinist jacks, but I'm not sure that helps. Any ideas/thoughts??
I was thinking I had seen someone who was turning between centers take the item out and flip it,