If anyone else takes a similar route as far as making an enclosure, I have a little word of warning. Extruded aluminum plates appear to be slightly bowed. This caused some problems when drilling/tapping holes to assemble the thing -- centering the holes on the thickness didn't mean that they were all in similar locations, in a 3-D sense. I found it necessary to make a set of transfer punches out of some set screws. Using precision cast aluminum would have made it a lot easier, but at a considerably higher cost.
If I make another one of these I probably will take a different route, probably a thicker top and bottom with bent aluminum for the sides. The thinner aluminum will be much more forgiving of tolerance variations. If a scintillator is found to be the way to go, the enclosure could be made light tight using black silicone caulk.
If I make another one of these I probably will take a different route, probably a thicker top and bottom with bent aluminum for the sides. The thinner aluminum will be much more forgiving of tolerance variations. If a scintillator is found to be the way to go, the enclosure could be made light tight using black silicone caulk.