Hi Mark
Lets go with the undershoot first.
I can only guess that with the op-amp you are using, the long phase change, and way-behind slew rate, and maybe what it takes to get the capacitor across the feedback resistor to change it's mind about which direction it is charging, is what is responsible for the undershoot.
The voltage only undershoots because the op-amp is driving it there, because it is too slow in responding to the new information at the input that the pulse is over. If the circuit was fast enough, it would refuse to undershoot. Also, if 66MEG is still in there, consider just little currents are coming back through the feedback to persuade the inverting input not to allow an overshoot. Lose the 66MEG, no matter what op-amp you use!
You don't have to mess with the coupling capacitor, nor consider DC coupling, to not have overshoot. Aside from the extremely necessary property that it allows us to bias the diode at will, it also can limit the slowest surges of shot noise.
See what happens in TIA-Amp3-dev. This circuit is incomplete. It does not yet have the last gain/filtering stage, nor the differential driver with white noise filter, but it is enough to show 800mV of output that started from 10nA pulse (I guessed that might be a maximum).
Note that the op-amp in the top left corner is just a temporary simulation convenience to set the power supply rails. I was trying out how close the "Rail-to-Rail" could get.
Notice that the current pulse 10nA stimulus did not persuade the actual current to get any higher than 8.6nA, because some got leaked into the 40Meg, and some tried to charge C1. That's OK. It all still works!
One can increase the C2, and see the delay increase. Decreased to 0.5pF, it finds the best peaking, and closest tracking of the pulse. I don't really want to put two 1pF in series, and that was a bit close to oscillation anyway. Reducing the Rf to 510K also makes it track closer, but I did not care that the signal would be 1 or 2 microseconds "late". I did care that it would not have late feedback overshoot, which it does not. I believe everything about struggling with overshoot, and elaborate tricks to establish a "zero" are unnecessary. When the pulse dies to zero, so should our amplifier!
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Yep - I do like the views. When I first moved here, my place was a disheveled bungalow with asbestos roof and derelict outbuilding at the sh**ty end of the village. So I built another place more or less around it, and demolished the middle. I knew the Telegraph house on the hill was a listed semaphore historic building, as was the cottage opposite. Over time, I found I was living in a sought-after des res spot.
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Your last calculation worries me a bit.
A gamma energetic enough to get X-rays glows out of a chunk of metal, might do damage to a DNA protein, and persuade it to start replicating itself. Come to that, when we have medical X-Rays, these come as billions of photons, with energies, I think, low end is about 25keV. A 60keV "gamma" is in the range we would call "harder X-Rays". Only from ignorance, I will try and avoid too much "thumb gamma", but it happens when extract the Am241 from the electrode tag disc.
While we are on the subject of these gammas, may I assume that 2mm (about 5/64") of lead is easily enough to be a "shield" for the photodiode, and outer skirt? In the design, the lead shield includes behind the sensor. It has two holes to let through the wires to reach the circuit board.
One of the things I think about is whether one can turn a 2mm thick flange in lead.
Lets go with the undershoot first.
I can only guess that with the op-amp you are using, the long phase change, and way-behind slew rate, and maybe what it takes to get the capacitor across the feedback resistor to change it's mind about which direction it is charging, is what is responsible for the undershoot.
The voltage only undershoots because the op-amp is driving it there, because it is too slow in responding to the new information at the input that the pulse is over. If the circuit was fast enough, it would refuse to undershoot. Also, if 66MEG is still in there, consider just little currents are coming back through the feedback to persuade the inverting input not to allow an overshoot. Lose the 66MEG, no matter what op-amp you use!
You don't have to mess with the coupling capacitor, nor consider DC coupling, to not have overshoot. Aside from the extremely necessary property that it allows us to bias the diode at will, it also can limit the slowest surges of shot noise.
See what happens in TIA-Amp3-dev. This circuit is incomplete. It does not yet have the last gain/filtering stage, nor the differential driver with white noise filter, but it is enough to show 800mV of output that started from 10nA pulse (I guessed that might be a maximum).
Note that the op-amp in the top left corner is just a temporary simulation convenience to set the power supply rails. I was trying out how close the "Rail-to-Rail" could get.
Notice that the current pulse 10nA stimulus did not persuade the actual current to get any higher than 8.6nA, because some got leaked into the 40Meg, and some tried to charge C1. That's OK. It all still works!
One can increase the C2, and see the delay increase. Decreased to 0.5pF, it finds the best peaking, and closest tracking of the pulse. I don't really want to put two 1pF in series, and that was a bit close to oscillation anyway. Reducing the Rf to 510K also makes it track closer, but I did not care that the signal would be 1 or 2 microseconds "late". I did care that it would not have late feedback overshoot, which it does not. I believe everything about struggling with overshoot, and elaborate tricks to establish a "zero" are unnecessary. When the pulse dies to zero, so should our amplifier!
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Yep - I do like the views. When I first moved here, my place was a disheveled bungalow with asbestos roof and derelict outbuilding at the sh**ty end of the village. So I built another place more or less around it, and demolished the middle. I knew the Telegraph house on the hill was a listed semaphore historic building, as was the cottage opposite. Over time, I found I was living in a sought-after des res spot.
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Your last calculation worries me a bit.
A gamma energetic enough to get X-rays glows out of a chunk of metal, might do damage to a DNA protein, and persuade it to start replicating itself. Come to that, when we have medical X-Rays, these come as billions of photons, with energies, I think, low end is about 25keV. A 60keV "gamma" is in the range we would call "harder X-Rays". Only from ignorance, I will try and avoid too much "thumb gamma", but it happens when extract the Am241 from the electrode tag disc.
While we are on the subject of these gammas, may I assume that 2mm (about 5/64") of lead is easily enough to be a "shield" for the photodiode, and outer skirt? In the design, the lead shield includes behind the sensor. It has two holes to let through the wires to reach the circuit board.
One of the things I think about is whether one can turn a 2mm thick flange in lead.
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