Hi Mark
Firstly - do tell what it is on your signal conditioning board?
Yes indeed, the
LTC6269 is what I settled on also, and it can be used for a TIA directly. It works way better if the Rf is made 510K//2.2pf, and followed by another inverting stage of gain 180, using 180K and 1K. The noise is
If the FET circuit were adopted, so the other half of the LTC6269 is used for the FET bias loop, the noise goes somewhere very low, allegedly
900pV/√Hz, but I think lower. I was after something that would range to the noise floor. On a output signal (biggest) of 4V, then 90dB down is 126uV. On those numbers, one does not need the FET circuit at all. The LTC6269 in 2 stages should be enough.
Of course, the Pocket Geiger's 66Mohm TIA followed by a stage gain of 100 is just ridiculous, but since the pin-out of the LMC662 seems standard, can we simply "adapt the Pocket Geiger 5 circuit board, and duck the need to make another board altogether? I say this because a differential driver , which can also have some noise filtering functions, might go in the place of U3A and U3B, no longer as comparators, can easily drive a relatively short shielded twisted pair to a A/D converter mounted right at the computer, so making SPI at high speed somewhat easier.
LM662 cannot do this! It has a GBW of 1.4MHz, a noise of 22nV/√Hz, a Vos of 3mV. About the only thing that looks good is the 2fA input bias current.
About the FETs
The IFN 147 is the InterFET name for the old
2SK147 except they market it from Mouser under the code
SMP147 for £5.86, or £4.72 each for 10.
The very old datasheet has the very same simulation parameters. The reverse transfer capacitance is a whole 15pF.
The whole bunch of FETs from Linear systems,
LSK389 (dual),
LSK170(single) etc are all lower capacitance Ciss (20pF-25pF) and Crss (5pF-5.5pF) Reverse Transfer Capacitance, which would make the higher frequency devices than IFN147. I left off checking out all Linear Systems stuff because of the purchase terms, and because of importation difficulties.
The gain-bandwidth product of the FET+ one LT1806 TIA opamp is 2.4GHz. I do not propose to put as much as 1Megohm in the first feedback loop. I settled for 270K to 510K, then followed by another op-amp stage with gain 180. The FETS are basically audio devices, and I realized just about any low noise FET would do, the better if one used a VHF or UHF low noise FET.
In extremes, even one of those low noise microwave FETs with 28K (NF=0.4dB) could be great, but expensive. The problem is how to use local feedback to knobble it's ability to have gain beyond UHF without having it become a superior loud audio square-wave oscillator!
In simulation, I used the LSK389, only because the model was conveniently already there in LTSpice, but I knew one could easily use any of a whole lot of others. I was looking at some costing less than £1. My simulation norm was a photodiode current pulse (Iph) delivered as a 100nS pause, then exponential function rise in 100nS, and a 200nS dwell as the charge goes over the hump, partly into 230pF diode capacitance, while being leaked by the 40Mohm diode bulk resistance, and pulsing into the amplifier. Then a 500nS exponential function fall with a tail extending to 10uS.
Iph could be from 500pA to 5nA, as a starting guess. If as high as 20nA, we need less gain.
Using these (audio-ish) FETs, the 4V output pulse is peak-delayed by about 2uS, and is "stretched" to about 14uS. It can do better. I just stopped tweaking. I may have to lower the gain if 5nA is too little. At the low end, I was using 500pA. At this stage, I ceased to worry about FETs . I would need a reminder where is the cascode circuit example if you think we need to go there. Crss less than 2pF is probably find-able in a FET. Nearly all discrete FETs around now seem hail from last century, even if they were recently made. I may have a little trawl for more low cost UHF FETS, but I will have to edit in my own .MODEL properties.
A little noise spreadsheet
It is a trivial calculation, but help yourself to the noise temperature spreadsheet. I expect you have LibreOffice Calc. Hmm wait up..
It seems .ODS, and .XLSX are not allowed extensions. I had to use .ZIP.
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The Illumination Geometry
About the photons being emitted in all directions is understood. The source only has to be sunk that tiny bit, or the sensor if you like, so that a sideways photon, unable to manage more than a right angle, cannot hit the sensor by refraction. A tiny "lip extension" on the tube around the sensor is enough, allowing then most of the hemisphere of radiation to play into the space, without wasting any being too far up a lead setting.
In my design, the axes of the radiation sources is not as in the image of the post #460. They are tilted to aim at the centre where the test metal is. The angle depends on the distance to the metal, and the radius of the ring of sources, but maximum effect is when that radius equals the height to the test stuff, and the angle is 45°. This choice is modified by how big a lump of lead we are willing to put up with. It is OK to make it all of something else, plastic even, but lined with lead, say 2mm or 3mm.
Re: Extraction of the Radioactive Sources
OK - getting down and dirty with it. I have already extracted one down to the stage of looking like those in the CAD image. The dimensions are not made up. That was real measured. We cannot rely on common sense, but we can easily find a one-liner, or a URL for a user to get some warnings. We can include with a warning not to eat the thing, nor let one fall into becoming playthings for children. So long as you don't ingest it, the risk is pretty much zero. Of course, we are not letting free the Am241 pellet. It always remains in it's little metal disc mounting.
I used a small file to take out the 3 outermost press-deform (peen?) fixings from the sides. For convenience, I post again the three most relevant images, one of them modified to show the file cut line. I think no matter what brand of smoke detector, the way these things are held down is always much the same. Everything about keeping hold of radioactive sources gets to very fundamental principles of shapes. Glues are never used.
To that end, we may have to pay attention to how we fix them in our gadget.
I put the narrow edge of the file down onto outer disc, and filed away the 3 peened over spots. I admit it is a bit disconcerting to be filing away on a radioactive thing plonked down onto a green cutting mat held down with the fingers. In the end it was easier to to hold it on left forefinger and keep filing. It does not take long.
From the side
I thought to take a side-cutter snips and cut across, and I nearly fouled up, not thinking that it would have to cut through the bigger disc of the setting, around the back. But then, I realized one could use the big cutters just to get a grab on it, and bend the outer metal curled around to just force it to let go. The radioactive pellet mounting dropped free.
From the back
After a minute or so, one's technique and options improve with practice. You could probably mangle the outer metal enough without filing, but if you don't want to have it ping away somewhere, then file away the squeeze-downs. It only takes a few minutes. I did it dirty, but one could put it over a hole drilled in some metal, large end down, and then punch or press it out. While I did not actually have my finger skin in direct contact with the Am241 thing in the middle, I got as close as 1mm or so.
DO NOT stash the smoke detector pellets in the same bag as Thorium gas mantles, nestling right up against each other!
I don't know for sure what happens, but I think that gets close to making third substances. I cannot imagine we have anything close to breeder stuff here, so we have to ask