We are OK to just keep an eye out for detectors.
X100 - 7 will do for now. It's big enough that even if we find some other goodie, it can still likely be arranged to "fit". I just keep seeing various photodiodes ID numbers in papers and literature that, given the date of the publications, makes them very old. I check, and yet I find they are still available. eg Microsemi's glass axial leaded
UM9441 can be had from Mouser for $
108.81 (not that we ever want this thing). It delivers photo-currents in typically 6mA in 10nS from 2.5MeV Flash X-Ray, and the spec sheet test condition was 10^6 rads(Si)/sec.
To some extent, we just have to build it and test to see what it does. While my
SPICE simulation is coming together OK, I don't theorize it to death before building. I do just enough to get some idea of response speed, noise, etc. so as to choose the nice parts, and explore various candidate circuits, and get through the major decisions to give the proto a fair chance.
I am hoping a fixed gain would be OK, but I do like your selectable gain feature.
Anyway, it prompts that I at least try for a first-order guess at the signal range needed. When huge dynamic range is needed, I usually go dB logarithmic. but I don't think anything like that is needed for this. When signals will range over several orders of magnitude, the electronics does not care. It's only us humans that need dBs.
My point is, if there is need for switching gains, then log compression amplifiers are the automatic way to do it. Given the range
2KeV to 60KeV, I am thinking we don't need programmable gain. we only need the "right" gain. I get it that not all of the incoming energy turns into photo-current. Some gets lost heating up the package and leads, carbon black paint, whatever. One hopes the absorption probability curve for X100 - 7 is right. It scrapes 100% at some energies.
The frames showing the detector specifications indicates that the pulse width (not height) depends on the photon energy, so the MCA S/W would be different compared to the Theremino's pulse height discrimination. If the pulse width is proportional to the photon energy, why mess with an A/D? Gate a fast clock and send it to a counter chain.
Hmm.. OK , even before I get my SPICE model finished, let us address this.
I think that when a photon arrives at a PIN diode, it
will put energy into a TIA gain stage.
That comes as a current. It
will cause a amplifier voltage to "go up".
I think what you are saying is the X100 - 7 has a specification behaviour whereby the energy absorbed delivers a current pulse related to the charge in a way that current rises to a value, and then stays at that value for a time, then drops away. Yes it does, but every description I have seen does not feature a plateau in the current waveform. Maybe X100 - 7 really does that, but that does not mean we ignore the amplitude.
Perhaps point me to the frames showing detector specifications that show this.
There are many circuits that, if sufficiently filtered, bandwidth limited, integrating, non-linear, whatever, can turn the transient into something with a flat top and of longer duration. The "pulse-stretcher" idea even depends on it.
What we measure
For us, we know that the voltage we measure is an analogue of the current pulse. It represents the rise and decay of what the photon delivered into the depletion region. The energy in the pulse is the integral of the current x time. The energy we want to measure is, as I am understanding it, accurately proportional to the
area under the curve of the pulse.
Getting at the energy (accurately)
If we want a number to put in a bucket, we don't just try for the pulse maximum, nor do we just measure a duration.
Instead, we add up all the values of all the valid samples of the pulse duration. That represents the energy.
The "duration" is when the measure was above a threshold caused by the dark current.
If a value is "unrealistic", or a duration too long, it can be weeded out, or simply put in a bucket anyway, and let itself be seen as statistically unlikely. Either way, it gets recognized!
Even if we offset the majority of the dark current out of the measure before A/D, we need the dark number subtracted anyway.
PIN Diode Model
So far as I can tell, the equivalent circuit model for the PIN diode is the same as for a regular Si photodiode (for visible light). In PIN diodes, the undoped "I" region is still devoid of carriers when reverse biased. It's just that it is thick enough that incoming photons don't just go straight through without stopping. I am still getting myself sure of the model.
I know we have a high impedance charge amplifier. It has to be that way because the charge is tiny, but I don't treat it as a high impedance situation at the TIA input. The 40M resistance is not in series with the charge source. It is a
shunt resistance. The diode is presented with what looks like a near ideal zero impedance load. The op-amp does not allow it's inputs to develop volts between them. All the charge current goes into the freedback resistor, and the op-amp obligingly makes its output voltage exactly what it needs to be to accept this current.
From the Hamamatsu chapter2
You can see from equation (1) that the wanted charge current I
L has to be seen as a change in the face of an existing diode dark current I
D and I'
A version of this is what drives my SPICE simulation.
If the M100 - 7 delivery of energy back from the diode is a flat top duration-type pulse as the intrinsic region gives up its carriers and becomes depleted again, then so be it, but that makes the "pulse" unlike most others I have seen in what I have read. I am keeping in mind that this is PIN diode XRF, not PMT electron tube pulses. I don't think it matters, so long as we count the energy. I am not too keen on assuming we only need count a duration.