Need recommendation for VFD for older (1960s) mill

I used a rotary phase converter for 35+ years, it was okay (commercially made Willet Add-A-Phase). When I bought the PP, my only regret was that I hadn’t done it years earlier, the machines seem to “like” the PP supplied power better (more responsive).
I think the tech sales guy was just trying to be a good sales guy by attempting to up sell me.
A few more email exchanges and now he feels the 5hp unit will be fine.
I am inclined now towards the PP unit as it will save me some work and keep the Deckel as original as possible.
If the PP is in your budget I'd say go for it. Sometimes sales folks are going based on previous experience where they have gotten burned.

Keeping the machine original would definitely be my preference unless the wiring already trashed.

I think the technician should check their site as to product recommendations. There recommendation if you put in a 5 Hp motor or 18A includes the PTS005, the other Enterprise models are the 007 because that is the smallest size available. Certainly a 5 Hp rated Phase Perfect should be able to start a lowly 2 Hp 6A motor with no load, not sure what they are smoking in the office. Interestingly they use to have a PTS003 which appears to be discontinued. Probably to many disappointed customers like the one who bought one for his 3 Hp lathe. On the Phase Perfect, I usually recommend that they purchase the next size up then the rated combined Hp, VFD's less so unless the price difference is small.
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I eventually went with the phase perfect system. My Deckel FP1 is now installed in the garage shop and all controls work fine.
Thanks to @mksj and all others who helped me out on this thread.