I do have a mini-lathe. But I am NOT assuming that what I have (Sieg based) is what the original poster has. Which is why I asked the questions. More than happy to make a couple of designs, to help out, for a few missing gears. Not so keen to do a full set, well because that starts to look like work.
. As noted above there's loads of change gears online, but it's not always obvious what their dimensions are, because stl's are tough to dimension from.
I figured the key way might be 3mm, but wasn't sure about the height of the key way. If I recall correctly, the needed gears were 55 & 65? Anyways, here's the stls for 55 and 65, with my best guess at dimensions. 3mm key width, 2.5mm long from radius to end of key. And the FreeCAD file if anyone wants to play with it. Just select the grey gear on the side and you can change how many teeth there are. Once you do, the gear is redrawn. Then export the Body to stl, or step. Easy peasy. Happy printing.