Models for grinding HSS Lathe Tools

Adam sent me some worksheets for posts 937 and 949. I did the best that I could to add them to the posts below the videos. I am not enough of a nerd to get the PDF's transferred to this site without some changes that also refuse to be edited to actually make improvements. Use the worksheets to make sure you understand and retain what you saw on the videos.
You know, it's like the old thing about language, that you'll learn a word for good when you've seen/heard it seven times. I took notes about what I didn't already know, have built the keystock tests, and think after all the reading, doing the models, and now the videos, that I'm actually starting to understand the concepts. My grinder really needed a better base; it's coming this weekend, and I'm also serendipitously going to the Connecticut shore with my wife this weekend, so will get sand to fill the column. Then, when the grinder is set up again, I'll take a stab at cutting HSS.
The coolest thing we've accomplished in this thread, and now with Adam's videos, is that we've been able to reach a LOT of guys. It doesn't matter if you grind your tools with my angles or Adam's angles or the angles in a grinding table. What really matters is that you understand what the angles do, know that you can modify them to suit your needs and know how to change those angles so the tool does what you want it it to do.

It has truly been a privilege to watch you guys grow. I know Adam would feel the same way, knowing that he helped to turn on a light bulb in somebody's mind. Doesn't get better than that.
I know I have read it, but is there a single place to reference the differences in the angle of "attack" for the tool post for different processes for the different tools? Toward the head stock, 90*, toward the tail stock, different finishes, etc?
I know I have read it, but is there a single place to reference the differences in the angle of "attack" for the tool post for different processes for the different tools? Toward the head stock, 90*, toward the tail stock, different finishes, etc?

Mike , the toolpost angle doesn't really matter , the angle of the tool is what matters . Cutting angle and cutter clearance is most important . :) As soon as I get a free night we'll hook up again .
Sounds like a plan,,,,More accurately maybe tool to work piece angles.
I know Adam would feel the same way, knowing that he helped to turn on a light bulb in somebody's mind. Doesn't get better than that.
I am in contact with Adam about my posts of his videos here. He is jazzed to see the additional exposure of his considerable work in producing the videos, and is pleased that our H-M members have an additional source for learning the skills of grinding cutting tools.
I am in contact with Adam about my posts of his videos here. He is jazzed to see the additional exposure of his considerable work in producing the videos, and is pleased that our H-M members have an additional source for learning the skills of grinding cutting tools.

Bob, the next time you are in contact with Adam, please tell him how much I enjoy his videos. I love his personality and his skill at teaching this rather confusing and complex topic. In order to teach a thing you must know the thing and it is clear to me that he knows what he's doing. Furthermore, given the quality of his videos, it is clear that he put in a lot of time, thought and editing to put out such high quality work and it is greatly appreciated.
mikey, first I wanted to really thank you for starting this thread. Im new to the lathe and really didn’t know what I needed for tooling. I was thinking about getting some insert tools just so I could get going. But there are so many options I got lost.
After getting sucked into this thread for days. I decided to just start grinding, and see what happened. It was also pretty economical way to get started. I made a left and right version of your square tool and a knife tool.
I’ll have to say I’ve trashed the square tool a few times already. But a touch up on the grinder and I’m back in business. Great for a new guy.
On another thought. I don’t have a belt sander. I have a 20” disk sander. Great tool but the HSS stock just wiped out the edge of the sanding disk. I have seen the ceramic disks but at twice the price I’ve just passed. After wiping out the edge of the second disk I ordered up a new ceramic disk. I have to say WOW! Not only did it cut the tool great with a minimum heat added to the tool, it just cuts steel great. Normally when I grind an edge it leaves a burr on the bottom. Which if your trying to grind a radius catches on the rest and make it hard to turn the piece. With the ceramic disk there is no burr. It’s just a clean cut. Incredible. I’m not sure yet how long the disk will last compared to a normal one, but I have high hopes.
Here are the tools I have ground so far.

A left and right square tool, a knife tool, and a threading tool.
