Models for grinding HSS Lathe Tools

Well, its 78 degrees with light tradewinds and sunny. Not a snowflake in sight so no skiing going on but then again, I'm not freezing my butt, either, so there's that. Yup, living in Hawaii is pretty nice. On the downside, we do have hurricanes that try to eat us every year so ...
and didn't you have a bit of lava flow lately?
and didn't you have a bit of lava flow lately?

Yeah, the beach house that we used to go fishing from every year is now under 30 feet of new lava. The Big Island is the newest place on earth. Luckily, the eruption is on another island.
Thank you @mikey! I read through this massive thread as closely as I could. Today, I ground a tool for brass and was able to take off a few tenths with a clean finish on over an inch of .250" rod. The first cut I did had an ugly finish. Because of your instruction here, I was able to understand why, fix the problem with a diamond hone, and get a better finish. Then for the last pass, I angled the tool, and got an even better finish. What surprised me even more was that I didn't even bother turning on the DRO, which I previously couldn't have imagined.

On the one hand, I hate to bloat this thread with more ME TOO! posts. On the other, I have to say thanks.

Once I get a belt grinder, I'll probably ask to get in the model tool rotation. In the meantime, I've already benefited tremendously.
Awesome! Congrats on your success and yeah, get your hands on the model tools. It will help make grinding the other tools a bit easier. Please keep us posted on how things go for you, okay?
@macdanlj, drop me a PM with contact info and I will get a set of the tool models in the mail to you when you are ready.
These tools definitely can be made with a good bench grinder but a belt grinder makes it so much easier to do. Several of use here have built belt grinders as a result of this thread. I will have to say that the belt is now probably the most used tool in my garage. You can’t go wrong.
@Z2V For sure! I'll ask either when I have a belt grinder or when I run out of patience, whichever comes first. When it comes to "good bench grinder" — I have a Northern Tools Ironton cheap ½HP 8" grinder that I bought years ago to sharpen lawnmower blades and such. I did put better wheels on it for grinding tools than the wobbly junk wheels it came with, but it bogs down when I'm cutting. Better diamond hones and arkansas stone are my next purchases here, I think, as I decide whether to buy a belt grinder kit or build from scratch. I did order the set of 50 3"x ⅜" blanks from CME, which is still available for $64 shipped.
Here is a well done and high quality video from Adam Balogh of Machine Tool Blog, part one of an expected five video series, on grinding cutting tools. The visual experience along with spot on information may be something that many on this thread will find useful. Adam is a friend of Tom Lipton (YouTube channel oxtoolco), and both are managers of separate departments at Lawrence Berkeley Labs in Berkeley, CA. Adam is also a teacher of machining at Laney college in Oakland, CA. Adam has some other interesting YouTube machining videos on his channel that many of you may enjoy, check out and subscribe to his channel: Adam's channel has been quiet for some time while he and his wife had their first child, looks like he is back and ready for more. I met Adam at a Richard King scraping class. Adam lays out the information like a fire hose, don't be afraid to rewind as necessary to get it all:

Edit: Adam sent me the worksheets that his students get to answer for the first two videos. They will probably make you watch the videos again to get the answers correct. I will too... Adam also told me he left his job at Lawrence Berkeley Lab to teach machining full time at Laney college. Shows where his heart is... Here comes the first worksheet:
NAME ___

Video Worksheet – “Grinding Cutting Tools – Part 1”

Watch the Machine Tech Video Blog video on “Grinding Cutting Tools – Part 1” on

Answer the following questions based on the information presented in the video.

1) Fill in the blank: The cutting tool causes the material to deform by ____.

2) Fill in the blank: The final shape of the workpiece is determined by the tool’s

and its

3) What are the six critical angles on a single-point cutting tool?

4) What is the purpose of the tool nose radius?

5) What are the two main categories of cutting tools for the lathe?

6) What are the three required criteria for a cutting tool material?

7) What are the three most commonly used grades of high speed steel?
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Thanks, Bob! This was a superbly done video and I especially liked his Samurai intro persona - very cool guy! I wish more guys were as entertaining while also delivering solid information. Looking forward to seeing him grind tools and will watch the series.
Part 2 of the tool grinding video series from Machine Tech Blog
Video Worksheet – “Grinding Cutting Tools – Part 2”

Answer the following questions based on the information presented in the video.
  1. (Fill in the blank) A turning tool is used to machine .
  2. (Fill in the blank) A right-hand cutting tool cuts from to .
  3. What are the two angles controlled when presenting the tool to the grinder?
4) The tool will be ground using the following sequence:
  1. List the shop tools required to grind the right-hand cutting tool:
  2. What are “The Three D’s”:
  1. To make the grinding process easier, these two aids will be used:
  2. For yaw angles:
  3. For pitch angles:
  4. What works well as a solvent for removing layout fluid and permanent marker?
  5. When stoning the tool nose radius, what should you NOT point down toward the stone?
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I just finished seeing 1 and 2, and it made me completely comfortable to go beyond the keystock models. incredibly clear and explained. The combination of Mikey's text and photos and these videos is pretty powerful. Thanks for pointing them out!