Models for grinding HSS Lathe Tools

Wow, that came out really nice, Brino! Geometry looks good and the finish is really nice, with no heat-related color changes. It looks like your very cool sander mod worked well because the rake angles came out great.

How do you like grinding tools on the belt sander vs the bench grinder?

Let us know how the tool works for you. I really hope it meets your expectations but if it doesn't then change it until it does.

I have to say that you guys have been grinding some really nice tools, really nice.
How do you like grinding tools on the belt sander vs the bench grinder?

You already mentioned one of the biggest differences -HEAT!
The belt sander seems to keep the tool bit cooler.
I was using a push stick and dipping in water frequently.

I hope to get the honing done and the tool tested one evening this week.

I think the shear tool is a good addition to the arsenal because it does produce really nice finishes. I do not know anything about the geometry though, so if you or someone else would like to discuss how to grind one and how the geometry works I think it would be really interesting.
Shear tool, face rake 15 to 20 degree, end clearance rake 7+ degrees. very easy to grind. Depth of cut should be limited to a thou or two max. Works great even with M2 from China. Machinist workshop did an article by gunsmith editor Steve Acker a few years back, good stuff.
Shear tool is good for finish, everybody agree. But it is great too when you need to remove a very small amount of material. Conventional tool sometimes have a grab-no grab behavior.
I will need to grind one of these vertical shear tools one day and compare it to my general purpose tool for finish potential and accuracy with small cuts. My oldest square tool will take a tenth depth of cut and produces a really fine finish but that doesn't mean the shear tool can't beat it. We'll see. I'll report it here when I compare the two tools.
My oldest square tool will take a tenth depth of cut and produces a really fine finish
I affirm that statement to be true, I do have one of Mike's square tool that he personally ground and honed . I know he calls it a "general purpose"tool but IMO it is a perfect tool for dimensioning, when I need to take off the last few thou, and also to get the best possible finish, this square tool hasn't let me down yet and based on the way I use it , it never will.
It will be a good challenge for you Mike to grind a shear tool that can outperform your square tool but I am looking forward to seeing what you'll come up with.