Hey guys,
I finished my copies of the turning and knife tools today. Gotta say, Mike's instructions were pretty clear and easy to follow. While the process was simple, it still took me a bit of time to get the setup correct on my grinder. I have a small 6" grinder with basic tool rest, which I modified slightly to make work. There are locking teeth on the rest which secure it at ~15* increments, but using Mike's tool as a reference I found it wasn't close enough. So I put a washer between the teeth to allow for unlimited adjustment.
I also used a ball point pen for layout lines on the tool rest surface, which cleaned up nice using Dykem fluid remover.
Having Mike's tools in hand made replicating them very easy. I used them to compare side by side with my tools as I progressed, and to setup the tool rest angle (15*). Also, for getting the layout lines established.
The next steps for me are to replicate the grind using HSS, which I may try tonight after the kids go to bed, and then try it out on various materials. I have some DMT credit card sized diamond sharpeners on order from Amazon, based on Mike's recommendation.
Mike, thank you very much for taking the time to make these tools for us to look at. As mentioned, having them in hand was extremely valuable and educational! Thank you thank you thank you!
Jeff, thank you very much for organizing the distribution of the tools! I'll package Mike's tools up and have them out tomorrow. I'll drop you a PM once they're gone.
Dave, thanks again for sending them to me!
Knife tool: Mike's on the left, mine on the right. I don't have a radius on the nose yet.
Turning tool: Mike's on the left, mine on the right.
Another angle of the turning tool. Mike's on top.
Turning tool, Mike's on the left.
Knife tool, Mike's on the left.