Mill DRO...

Jordon Love is a prime example. $220M +$75M signing bonus.
There is an whole string of people taking a cut from that but still I find it hard for any team to justify. But they find a lot of people willing to pay huge sums to sit next to another drunk and scream. Not my cup of tea but if the fans are willing to pay for it so be it.

The game of corporate boards has never made a lot of sense to me. If they did their supposed job you wouldn't have Welch trashing GE. You'd think they would be more proactive, most get given a lot of shares.

Stock "trading" is just another form of gambling, not investing. I should have started investing long before I did. The effect of compounding is pretty amazing.
I personally think the sports numbers are ridiculous. Are they worth it...??? Not in my mind. They are pricing the true fans out.. Only the wealthiest will be able to go soon. It's a shame. Even college ball. I go to the women's volleyball college games. I can afford to go locally, as they don't charge, but some do charge, and some are outpacing pro football. And they don't even pay the players.
I go to the women's volleyball college games. I can afford to go locally, as they don't charge, but some do charge
I had to look up what those tickets are going for locally (Lincoln, Nebraska.) I think these are all reselling prices but seem to be fairly constant across several opposing teams. Main floor bleachers, $150+ to over $200, next section up best locations still $150+ but some around $100. Nose bleed section$50 to $130. Not a lot of tickets listed for sale.
Big business!
I had to look up what those tickets are going for locally (Lincoln, Nebraska.) I think these are all reselling prices but seem to be fairly constant across several opposing teams. Main floor bleachers, $150+ to over $200, next section up best locations still $150+ but some around $100. Nose bleed section$50 to $130. Not a lot of tickets listed for sale.
Big business!
at the finals last year some were going for 2000. Ridiculous. Not first hand knowledge, but the announcer said that they were going that high.
In the sports world, the recent contract of Jordon Love is a prime example. $220M +$75M signing bonus. And he is arguably not the #1 quarterback in the NFL. Wanna bet that next year's darling will be signing for more? BTW, with his injury on Friday, he is likely out for the season, if not career ending. Wher have I heard that before? Oh yes; the Jets and Aaron Rodgers.
Next year came sooner than I thought it would. Dak Prescott of the Dallas Cowboys just signed for $240M for four years.