Mill DRO...

Perhaps because we actually need the products produced by the corporations with the over-paid executives and under-paid workers. We don't need what the athletes "produce". Personally, I couldn't care less what athletes are paid. I do not buy, rent or support their "product" in any way.

I do see fast-food places advertising for help at $20/hr and having difficulty filling those positions.
I stopped buying fast food for several reasons, $9-10 Mc'burgers being one of them.
Two sided coin, you want your stocks to provide good dividends, correct?

Unless you're talking the current "Corporate greed" thing.

Not even going there.
so the problem with stocks is short term goals. Companies stopped having long term goals.
That's the downfall of the US. It means everything is for sale so that the top guys can get their bonuses.
It's not very good for the companies long term. It is totally short sighted...It also gravitates to these behemoth companies, which eliminates competition for the consumer, and for the workers. The biggest beneficiaries' are the stock holders, and the CEO's. Everyone else eventually loses. I have watched so many companies turn to crap and lose things, and the CEO's wind up with golden parachutes.

As someone who worked for Federal Farm Credit (bonds to back farmers), and got on the elevator with traders from other companies, and heard conversations that made me realize that you and I don't count, that many stock brokers/traders look at you just for the commision, and think it's ok to lead you to move from stock to stock so they can get their commissions and fees.. I heard some pretty disturbing stuff on those elevators. Some would brag about how they screwed over their customers. I really hated some of these people for their arrogance and .... useless turds.
I stopped buying fast food for several reasons, $9-10 Mc'burgers being one of them.
I've been doing the same thing. I'm too cheap to pay that kind of money and the price of gas favors making fewer trips to town. I just discovered, as a result, that I've lost over 10 lbs. Win-Win!
I've been doing the same thing. I'm too cheap to pay that kind of money and the price of gas favors making fewer trips to town. I just discovered, as a result, that I've lost over 10 lbs. Win-Win!
No McDonalds for me... it's gone wayyyy downhill.. If I do go, rarely it's Wendy's. No BK either, garbage. both McD and BK are junk. They ruined a good thing.
I haven't been to a McDonalds since 07, Never been a fan of any fast food chains...
All the BKs around here have closed. Fine with me. I haven't been to a fast food joint in quite a few years. There are better things to eat.
I don't mind cooking. I have a distinctive style off cooking: any thing that gets in the way goes into the pot. Measuring, rarely.
They are as far from capitalism as they could possibly be
If you mean China, then China's economic systen since the 70's has long been described as 'state capitalism'.

Let's leave it here. You have a culturally ingrained belief in capitalism, low to no regulation and small government. My life's experience and not a little study and intellectual effort has taught me to disagree with such a belief.

We're neither going to convince the other and attempts to do so will only lead to drama. :)
The biggest beneficiaries' are the stock holders, and the CEO's. Everyone else eventually loses. I have watched so many companies turn to crap and lose things, and the CEO's wind up with golden parachutes.

As someone who worked for Federal Farm Credit (bonds to back farmers), and got on the elevator with traders from other companies, and heard conversations that made me realize that you and I don't count, that many stock brokers/traders look at you just for the commision, and think it's ok to lead you to move from stock to stock so they can get their commissions and fees.. I heard some pretty disturbing stuff on those elevators. Some would brag about how they screwed over their customers. I really hated some of these people for their arrogance and .... useless turds.

My point exactly, but if you see stocks as a short term win you're playing the game wrong for the level that you're playing at.

Be the stock holder, play the long game, that way you're not losing.
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I've been doing the same thing. I'm too cheap to pay that kind of money and the price of gas favors making fewer trips to town. I just discovered, as a result, that I've lost over 10 lbs. Win-Win!
I like Chick fil Aye and we go sometimes.

Thing is we can get two burgers, fries and 4 beers down at the local and have a sit down meal with friends for the same price.

.50 wings on Mondays too, and they hardly ever throw me out.

Dance on the counter in Chick fil Aye one time....
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I've wondered how it came to be that many big company CEOs are paid such large sums.
Are there so few qualified people?
I have no problem with people becoming billionaires through their dreams, risks and ambitions.... H Ford, S Jobs, B Gates, E Musk & many more deserve to reap their rewards. They have provided society with huge gains & made it possible for the rest of us to enjoy a higher standard of living.
The answer is simple. Corporate boards are under pressure to outperform their competitors. They have to answer to stockholders. Good isn't enough; they have to have the best. Their answer is to throw money at it. A potential hire isn't going to say you're paying too much and so it goes. The next round of hires , seeing the previous hire and rather lackluster results dictates that they must pay even more.

In the sports world, the recent contract of Jordon Love is a prime example. $220M +$75M signing bonus. And he is arguably not the #1 quarterback in the NFL. Wanna bet that next year's darling will be signing for more? BTW, with his injury on Friday, he is likely out for the season, if not career ending. Wher have I heard that before? Oh yes; the Jets and Aaron Rodgers.