thoughts about the moving of the milling machine.
1. Unless you got a very good concrete floor you should really think about repair/doing a concrete floor or use plywood over the gravel/dirt and be ready to hire two big gorillas and a lot of leverage when hitting the edges. a minimum of two guys.
2. It’s not light or medium. It’s heavy stuff that willl kill if at the slightest mistake.
3. Listen to the guys here they know the deal. I listened and it payed well as it was very very difficult to push and lift the legs to pass small bits of dirt at the same time and not give the machine an impulse to rock.
Bottom line watch/listen for experience as much as possible. The final height is ~7 feet without leveling pads and we left 6 feet on the x axis for movement and about 16” from behind. Don’t use the ratchet strap. The guys here recommended against it and now I know why. This machine is heavy if you give it a impulse even small and then it stops suddenly when hitting a pebble or edge, it might break them and you in half. When sitting it on the legs of the engine crane use thick dense wood and make it like a floor.
I used the hf 6300 lbs lifting straps they fit the engine crane hook but I had to push them in place
It’s heavy big and super nice. I already love it. Compared to the pm1030v lathe, the lathe looks smallish. I got some 10awg cord to make the extension about 30 feet from the basement to the garage.