Identify this horizontal mill?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jul 16, 2018
This is coming up at a local auction and there is only one grainy picture from a distance. Anyone recognize it? Supposedly there is a lathe but I see no pics and I think I saw a power hacksaw in another pic.


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With that picture, it could be nearly anything, not sufficient info.
I'd have to guess that it was built in the early 1900s, if the picture was clearer, one could fine tune the guess. I started out with my shop with a #4 (heavy) Brown & Sharpe mill that looked similar to the one shown, but no cigar ---- it dated to 1912 or a little later, then got a #2 B&S universal of about 1906 vintage, used it quite a lot, then got a 1936 Cincinnati #2 universal, now, a #2 B&S universal from 1943 from the Mare Island auction.
Mills are us!
It looks quite similar to a Pratt and Whitney I looked at a few months ago. But then, don't they all.
If P&W it would not look so big and chunky --- Yes, don't they all!!!
The saddle looks unusually massive -- perhaps to accommodate what appears to be a power-feed hanging off the right side.
It looks quite similar to a Pratt and Whitney I looked at a few months ago. But then, don't they all.

Are you talking about a P&W 3C horizontal bench mill? I already have one if those!