How Should These Spindle Bearings Be Lubricated? Also, What Bearings to Buy?

I figured that now wasn't the right time to try and redesign the spindle so I went ahead with what I had. I guess the ball bearing might add some extra radial load capacity or something. Maybe not, whatever.

With the spindle reassembled I am still measuring .001" runout. But now it is repeatable to the same location on the spindle (marked in the image with white paint) as opposed to before when it was random. I'm guessing the R8 taper was ground off center from the manufacturer, or maybe ground in place with the original bearings installed.

Do I have any recourse here besides try to re-grind the taper? If that is the way, anyone have suggestions on how to accomplish it? At this point it may just be a "live with it" type thing and accept it as a limitation of this machine.
That sounds like progress. Regrinding or turning is pretty much the only way to take out the runout. I’ve seen posts of people regrinding the spindle in place, and others that take the quill out and rebore the taper on a lathe. I would run the spindle a bit to make sure everything is fine before doing anything to the taper.

Wells-Index regrinds tapers, you send in your assembled quill and they regrind in the existing bearings. There are plenty of spindle shops that do the same thing, you might even run into one that is familiar with that spindle and can answer the question on what bearings should be in there.
