Group Project: Dividing Head - Organization and Design

Cam lock or just an adjustable lever?

Would either provide adequate clamping force?
Making progress on the design. Still have a lot of parts to design.
If you have time, maybe you could attach the parts you consider finished/ready for review? Anyone who gets inspired can propose suggestions earlier.

OK. I really just wanna look at it in 3d and spin it around and stuff. A man's gotta have a hobby, doesn't he?
Very nice. Will the spindle lock and the bearing for the worm crank mount on the same part? Where will you flat the trunnion? Perhaps you could just continue the flat for the spindle over further towards the base.
Also, one technical question about the trunion: when you cut the slot for the gear, I would be concerned that internal stresses would cause the "arms" to bend. Should this part be stress proof steel or stress relieved in an oven before this operation?
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Change in plans. It was going to cost @ErichKeane hundreds to get the material for the base, 'cause he'd have to buy 20ft of some hefty angle. I can get it for just a drive to see my uncle. So, I'm going to take on that part, and @ErichKeane is going to take on the gear.

1) Drawing (@Flyinfool)
2) Worm, Gear (@ErichKeane) - -
3) Spindle Shaft (@erikmannie) - - 4140?
4) Trunnion and Bearing (@ttabbal)
5) End Plates
5) Base, Selector Crank Arm, Spindle Lock with Indexing Pin (@Shotgun ) - - A35
6) Worm Crank and Selector Pin (@Bento) - -
7) Index Plates (@Ianagos)
8) Chuck/Front Index/Backing Plate,
Change in plans. It was going to cost @ErichKeane hundreds to get the material for the base, 'cause he'd have to buy 20ft of some hefty angle. I can get it for just a drive to see my uncle. So, I'm going to take on that part, and @ErichKeane is going to take on the gear.

1) Drawing (@Flyinfool)
2) Worm, Gear (@ErichKeane) - -
3) Spindle Shaft (@erikmannie) - - 4140?
4) Trunnion and Bearing (@ttabbal)
5) End Plates
5) Base, Selector Crank Arm, Spindle Lock with Indexing Pin (@Shotgun ) - - A35
6) Worm Crank and Selector Pin (@Bento) - -
7) Index Plates (@Ianagos)
8) Chuck/Front Index/Backing Plate,

I am ready to buy the material once we are sure what we want. I just need a steel type, OD, & length. I am willing to buy & machine anything.