Deckel FP1 and accessories

You stack gauge block on it. Then have an indecator on a toggle, progress from one end to another with a displacement exactly the length of the blocks.
Bunch of moving photos.
It is the MT4 version. That’s no problem as the previous owner adapted it to the Tormach TTS.
I also have a ton of collets if I ever want to use the weird Deckel MT4.
It also has the Deckadaptor which allows you to use R8.
Guys take notice, that outrigger is how you move things. It prevents the mill or lathe from going over. WELL DONE.
BTW... I don't care what you paid for it YOU SUCK...
100%. The guys who helped me move. ( or to be precise, the ones who did all the work) built the outrigger specifically for this move. They are real pros.
As far as what I paid, it was a just a token sum. The owner wanted the mill gone but to someone who would really use it.