Here is the picture of the blue micrometer box, you requested the other day. Sorry it took so long burried at work!
Bob in Oregon
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I believe this is the original box off the 1-2" Mic. the description is the same! No lock, No thimble, so in it's day I would say it was the economy model!
Bob in Oregon
Bob in Oregon
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Good morning raross61. So far I have only found descriptions for black enamel frames in my catalogs. A pic of the label end of the factory box would be an enormous help in identifying these mics - I hope you can post one.
Added: Is there a possibility that the box is not the one the mic originally came in? That happens quite often. The reason I pose that question is that the box is of some age (1920s/1930s and maybe immediate post WWII ?) - I seem to remember some references (I don't recall where or of what substance) to blue enamel frame Starrett mics, but of more recent manufacture. My research catalogs end at 1979, the date of my last new Starrett tool.
I believe this is the original box off the 1-2" Mic. the description is the same! No lock, No thimble, so in it's day I would say it was the economy model!
Bob in Oregon