Back plunger dial indicator set?


Same as most indicators, just in a configuration more suitable than some others. They come with a variety of accessories to enhance their use.


I like using 1 of these to square the vice on my mill it doesent take anything extra just put it in a collet lock the spindle and run it against the jaw or a piece of ground flat bar in the vice
Maybe I ought to sell one of mine. I never use them.
Well I guess this one qualifies as a Paddy gloat. It was free. :biggrin:

I have another question though. What is the purpose of the ball end on the longer of the two extension rods? :thinking:


I think they have pretty much replaced by dial test indicators. I had one, but the dial always seemed to get in the way. DTI's can get into very tight places.
Hey Paddy, I'm pretty sure he was just trying to gain my sympathy when/if I sell one of mine. He wasn't serious, I'm pretty sure.
I find a back plunger indicator especially handy for bringing a tailstock back into alignment after intentionally offsetting it for cutting a shallow taper, attach the indicator to the chuck and indicate the tailstock spindle.