At what point are you considered a "Machinist"?

I feel like the title is something that is earned over years of experience and hands on training. I consider myself a hobbyist and would certainly never claim to be a machinist. They may be different for some of the guys here but that’s just how I have always looked at it. There’s got to be a clear line drawn between someone like myself and someone that has been a machinist since they were in high school many many years of training to boot. I would feel disrespected in a way if I were a machinists if you follow what I’m saying
We ask the same or similar question about designers and levels of designers. Kids coming out of Jr. College with a 2 year degree in drafting and design and instantly designer on their resume, 4 or 5 years later they are senior designers? It doesn't work that way.

I know guys that have been working at it for 20 years and have 1 year of experience 20 times then there are guys that love what they do and never stop learning and gaining experience. The troublesome thing is those who pick a college degree based upon what will pay the most knowing they have neither the talent nor the desire to pursue it as a career, its just about the money.

So; At what point are you considered a "Machinist"? I would say if you have found a love and passion for the trade to the point you would spend your own treasure to be involved, you are willing, even desirous to the point of making time to learn and hone the craft, pursuing the knowledge and seek out others with the same or similar desires when any monetary rewards are secondary if considered at all then you are probably, at the least, a member of the club, a machinist. Your level of talent, ability, and skill are a different discussion; but, if you are a member of the club these things will only increase with time.
/\/\/\ I love this . In high school we had to fill out stuff for the yearbook . I think I was the only one that had " machinist " as my future career . I didn't go far in life , but I had a long career in the trade . :big grin:
I am a machinist by trade. 45 years.
At home I am a hobbyist. As I do not have to make anything. Or when is I do not have any time schedule.

I personally like the Hobbyist much better.

Cutting oil is my blood.
The thing I like about the word Hobbyist is the lack of inference to a particular skill that would place demands...