Are you missing travel by airplane ?

Nope, not at all!
Been on a plane exactly 3 times since 1964 while in the army!
I'd sooner drive anyway!!
I'd never really thought about it before, but ironically, I think my flying (helicopter and plane) in the USMC was more comfortable than conditions on commercial aircraft today.

and found out cargo ships carry passengers
If time or destination is not a big deal I've heard it is a good way to travel. There is a limit to the # of passengers they can take due to regulations, 12??. An old Navy friend did it a # of times and liked it. Meals were with the ships officers. There is one catch, some times the ships will change destinations. You get to see places other than tourist destinations. Time in port varies a lot and the area around ports isn't designed for tourism! You need a fairly high tolerance for sleaze! Cargo ships don't have active stabilization so be warned. Think of it as an adventure. I'd do it but wife has heard too many old Navy stories.
Gene T45, I've flown on military transports and on the Ship's COD on & off the carrier. If anyone thinks airliners are like cattle cars you ain't seen nothin' till you've flown Carrier Onboard Delivery. After the passengers are seated they fill the aisle with cargo! But takeoffs & landings on a carrier are a pretty neat experience. Landings are what you might call abrupt.
If time or destination is not a big deal I've heard it is a good way to travel. There is a limit to the # of passengers they can take due to regulations, 12??. An old Navy friend did it a # of times and liked it. Meals were with the ships officers. There is one catch, some times the ships will change destinations. You get to see places other than tourist destinations. Time in port varies a lot and the area around ports isn't designed for tourism! You need a fairly high tolerance for sleaze! Cargo ships don't have active stabilization so be warned. Think of it as an adventure. I'd do it but wife has heard too many old Navy stories.
Gene T45, I've flown on military transports and on the Ship's COD on & off the carrier. If anyone thinks airliners are like cattle cars you ain't seen nothin' till you've flown Carrier Onboard Delivery. After the passengers are seated they fill the aisle with cargo! But takeoffs & landings on a carrier are a pretty neat experience. Landings are what you might call abrupt.
The ship I was on looked like they had two passenger cabins. Not a chance my wife would do that, but it looks like it would be a fun trip.
I've flown a lot for work and I hated it. I'd rather hitch hike, like back in the navy days.
Back in 68 I worked in Paris France.
Dad worked for Air France so I got to fly home for the weekends.
Flying back out of London on the Caravelle I usually got to fly in the radio op's seat as that position was defunct.
In the cockpit, first class food and drink, chatting with the pilots.
I loved every minute of it.
Fast forward to today and I hate flying.
Flying back out of London on the Caravelle
A Caravelle was my first flight, 196?? Omaha to Chicago. White dress shirt & sport coat! (No tie, I hated those things even back then!)
Attire has certainly changed. Mostly for the better IMHO.
I fell in love with flying as a teenager, saved my money and bought a ticket from Sacramento to San Francisco in about 1962 or so. Later, I used to live in Boulder and managed facilities in Boulder, Colorado Springs and Boston, MA. I had to fly United to Boston every Tuesday night and return Friday night. What a drag, especially since United was having terrible on-time performance issues, and about half the time I had to stay over in Boston and return Saturday. That was murder. But since 1970 when I bought my first airplane until 2020 when I sold my last one, I've been able to avoid most domestic travel except coast to coast stuff. Apart from every couple year international stuff, Italy preferred, I don't have to or want to go anyplace particular anymore. My sympathies to those who have to travel commercially and hate it like I did.