Are you missing travel by airplane ?

Nope. Haven't flown on a plane for almost 20 years now.

And with all the security BS you have to go through now, on top of the smaller and closer together seating, I don't ever see me flying again. I look at pics of people on a airplane and I get a mental picture of cattle in a railroad car. While I laugh.
Nope, I love to drive. Flew to SF, CA to visit sister years ago, told her I'd be back when I had time to drive. Soooo , made the trip a few years ago. Thoroughly enjoyed all of the 5850 miles of the trip. No aversion to planes but we have a beautiful country and they are too far away from the scenery. Beside the fact that I like to stop along the way.
Dave, BTW, the camper you see made 4600 miles round trip to Yellowstone a couple yrs ago.
Nope, I love to drive. Flew to SF, CA to visit sister years ago, told her I'd be back when I had time to drive. Soooo , made the trip a few years ago. Thoroughly enjoyed all of the 5850 miles of the trip. No aversion to planes but we have a beautiful country and they are too far away from the scenery. Beside the fact that I like to stop along the way.
Dave, BTW, the camper you see made 4600 miles round trip to Yellowstone a couple yrs ago.

We've been campers our entire lives. Years ago a vacation was 2 weeks in the Boundary Waters in Minnesota, hiking the Grand Canyon, or spending time at one of our other National Parks. The typical Boundary Waters trip covered between 50 and 100 miles by canoe. Dozens of portages, and lots of hiking when at the campsites.

We used to leave our dogs with my wife's parents. They enjoyed the company, and the dogs got pampered better than at home. When the relatives moved to Florida we started taking the dogs to the kennel. By the time we finished paying for their lodging and medical bills (one or the other always had a problem when they came home) we spent more on them than we did on our own vacation.

To avoid problems we started renting motorhomes and took the dogs with us. In 2001 we took the plunge and bought a Winnebago Adventurer 32V. In the time we had it we managed to get to 49 of the 50 states. (It never made it to Hawaii). When we traded it in on another in 2013 it had 110,000 miles on the odometer. Our 2013 model has a little less than 50,000 miles on it, but hasn't moved since our trip to Alaska last summer.

We planned to stay home during the winter months to catch up on everything that didn't get done while we were gone. Our plans were to use in again the 1st of April, but those plans are now on hold. The batteries are currently in the garage being charged, mainly because we don't want to be seen driving it around while everything is under lock down. Hopefully things will loosen up soon and we'll be back on the road to new adventures.
The last time I flew was 2 years ago. Up until then I flew 6 times every year. Sometimes I miss it but mostly not. 2 trips to Reno, January and August. I do miss that time.
My friend just flew on a commercial jet from Charlotte to Maine. His family were the ONLY passengers on the plane. Hard to imagine.
My friend just flew on a commercial jet from Charlotte to Maine. His family were the ONLY passengers on the plane. Hard to imagine.
Woo, they can choose different row to sit.
My friend just flew on a commercial jet from Charlotte to Maine. His family were the ONLY passengers on the plane. Hard to imagine.
That used to happen a lot more, back before 9/11. I once flew a redeye flight from SLC to BWI and I was the only paying passenger on the flight. There was a flight crew deadheading back to BWI. I had a coach seat and the flight attendant said if I wanted I could sit in first class. There was no first class food or drinks loaded but the seats were comfy and the lights down low I had a good nap.

Another time I was kind of screwed flying the other way. Had missed my connection and no other flights. But I caught a ride on a plane that was going to Seattle for maintenance and then caught a scheduled flight from there. Was a different time then. Totally different. There were no flight attendants on the flight and the pilot invited me to sit in the jump seat in the cockpit if I wanted. So I sat there the whole flight. Was completely freaking cool.
At one time I had to send my passport twice to add more visa pages to it. Had millions of frequent flyer miles on both UA and AA.

Retired since 2011, I do not miss flying at all, but I do miss the upgrades when your name pops up at the top of the list. The privilege I do not have any longer. Did not make Executive Platinum For Life unlike a couple of my colleagues.
Not at all. The only good thing is it's faster but it has gotten to be such a hassle it usually messes me up so bad it takes a while to straighten out. My wife's brother was a airline captain for decades and she knows flying inside and out as he used to get her deals. She has caught them getting ready to totally screw us. Her family lives on the east coast so we used to go back to visit. Last time it was a 3 leg with the last leg from New Jersey to Boston, and they had cancelled the last leg! They were going to dump us off in New Jersey at 5pm and we'd have to fend for ourselves and we wouldn't have known that until we got to New Jersey! She got it worked out but every single time now there's some kind of stupid mess like that. No thanks.