Are you missing travel by airplane ?

I used to fly a lot globally long before 9/11. Was a little bit of an adventure. Flew to Italy last week. There is no fun left in it at all. Glad to be home.
If there was any other efficient way to get across the ocean, I’d do that instead. Although this thread is 4 years old, it’s sort of fun to see if peoples opinions have changed.

I regard air travel as a miserable and painful and nearly emotionless experience. I hate the food. I feel sorry for my seat mates. I can’t say I remember a time in twenty years when I was happy to be in a plane.

That said, I’ve never had a bad experience with the people that work for airlines. I get the impression they’re doing the best they can, with what they have. And it’s got to be hell dealing with the public. lol. We’re (the public) sort of unbearable in some situations. Haha!
First flew in 1969, in a Viscount and Vanguard, with the return trip on DC9. Nearly 20 years later, an old 747 with an invite to the cockpit. It is tiny in there! Those days were fun and exciting!
2002 it was the beginning of the even faster decline in air travel. Coast to coast in Airbus 320. A trip to the UK in 2012 was unpleasant, period. 757 both ways. That trip there were empty seats unlike today. In 2017 we flew to Norway on 777 and 737 to Oslo from Amsterdam. The 777 in both directions was packed and by the time we arrived, it was a garbage truck on the inside. Washrooms were, well people are eating so I will not get into that! People are just lazy and inconsiderate to the crew and fellow passengers.
I don’t look forward to my next flight and will actively attempt to avoid, rather train or drive if possible.
I always thought it would be cool to go to Europe via ship. If only time wasn't so much or a factor...
I can't fit my legs in the seats, and I am not tall. My knees crunch up, even keeping them splayed out.
I would love the airline execs to fly coach. They are intentionally making it uncomfortable in the hopes that you'll upgrade.

But I keep reading about first class passengers being downgraded do to overselling or other reason, and the airline not refunding the difference. To me, that's a breach of contract. You pay for one service and get something less.
I spent about 20 years living on airplanes, traveled all over the world fixing/installing machines. I did 54 round trips one year. Well over 1,000,000 air miles lifetime total. I now avoid it whenever possible.
Same here, I’m not sure I reached a million miles, but it must be close. I stopped traveling for work about 6 years ago and don’t miss it a bit.
I always thought it would be cool to go to Europe via ship. If only time wasn't so much or a factor...
I was doing a service call on a ship a number of years ago and found out cargo ships carry passengers as well. Might not be as fun as a cruise ship, but sounded like it would be a cool experience.
I always thought it would be cool to go to Europe via ship. If only time wasn't so much or a factor...
My dads wife got us a deal on a Princess ship that was rotating back to Europe with them. We got a nice cabin up top and while expensive it was equivalent to flying. Steerage/Coach sux! I’m NOT a cruise kinda guy but dad was slipping fast so we all knew he’d not be around much longer. So it was a very bittersweet experience. I’d never been Europe, never been at sea, never been across the ocean. But being on a cruise ship where we were was not like how I thought being on a ship would be. Even my wife who gets motion sickness at the mere thought couldn’t tell if we were moving or not. Yeah, time was a huge deal too as the whole trip took 3wks.

I’ve also heard of getting a berth on a cargo ship and thought of that but most take months.
Nope, not at all!
Been on a plane exactly 3 times since 1964 while in the army!
I'd sooner drive anyway!!