Are you missing travel by airplane ?

I detest travel but love the destinations, its just that appalling B/S inbetween.
Flying cattle class is a cruel and unusual punishment that should be outlawed in modern society.
I work for a major airline, so I miss all you guys flying...!

I spent about 20 years living on airplanes, traveled all over the world fixing/installing machines. I did 54 round trips one year. Well over 1,000,000 air miles lifetime total. I now avoid it whenever possible.
I spent about 20 years living on airplanes, traveled all over the world fixing/installing machines. I did 54 round trips one year. Well over 1,000,000 air miles lifetime total. I now avoid it whenever possible.
Wow, this is just like the movie name "up in the air"
My friend just flew on a commercial jet from Charlotte to Maine. His family were the ONLY passengers on the plane. Hard to imagine.

My wife and I flew to the UK for Christmas after 911, We were virtually the only passengers. We got moved to business class and a flight attendant sat down to keep us company. She brought us champagne a chocolate and strawberries. The shoe bomber was flying west as we were flying east.
Some good stories here. As i always say, "I'll go as high as you want as long as i can have one foot on the ground !!. "
I need to fly from San Francisco to Dayton, OH to tie up some loose ends from the coronavirus mayhem. I would be interested to hear people’s guesses when it will be entirely safe to take a long round trip flight like that.

I live with my 86-year-old mother-in-law so it has to be 100% safe.
Definitely missing air travel! I recently took a trip to Africa, and it was such a thrill. I found some great deals on flights, and the journey was a breeze thanks to the comfortable setup.
Month ago trip to Atlanta. Early morning flight out of Omaha, barely awake.
3 days of walking a million SqFt show.
Return flight delayed 3 times. 5 hours extra in the airport. Got home @ 2AM.
The line through security was miles long, moving at a snail's pace. Only one line open!
Flying used to be a fun adventure.