Are you missing travel by airplane ?


H-M Supporter - Commercial Member
H-M Supporter - Commercial Member
Sep 10, 2019
Are you missing travel by airplane? Not at all to me. But for the people who are stay far away from home, I think yes to them. Air tickets maybe difficult to get at this period. Stay home, stay safe....

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Not really. The last couple times going to the UK and Norway, I was in the cattle car area, mostly trying to sleep and I am cheap, I noticed no difference in service whether British Airways or lower priced Jet Airways. Right now I am not interested in being in an aluminum test tube either!
Not really. The last couple times going to the UK and Norway, I was in the cattle car area, mostly trying to sleep and I am cheap, I noticed no difference in service whether British Airways or lower priced Jet Airways. Right now I am not interested in being in an aluminum test tube either!

Wouldn't that be a flying Incubator ??
We and my wife enjoy our fond of our traveling adventures earlier in life and truly enjoy staying home enjoying what we have worked for during our retirement. One thing that we have both noticed is how blue the sky is with less jet traffic overhead.
With the reduce air traffic, living below the local airport down wind leg is a lot quieter now!
Nashville and Loreto, Mexico will not be enjoying our tourist dollars due to the shut down.
Not a bit. I lived half my life in airplanes and hotels for over 20 years. Some years I had as many as a dozen frequent flyer tickets. Some years I was away from home 200+ days. It was fun for the first 5 years. after that the shine wore off and it became just a job. The last 5 years were after 911 and it literally became PITA. It's kind of ironic that flying on a weekly or sometimes daily basis earns you the privilege of flying some more. To keep the frequent flyer tickets from expiring I was giving them away to any family member that wanted one. The last 350,000 frequent flyer miles went to Wounded Warriors.

Both the wife and I will now fly only if absolutely necessary.
Yes, pretty much all of my gigs required travel and I've gotten to some fantastic cities including Tokyo, Sydney and Vancouver on commercial aircraft so not getting those flights directly means I don't get the work. It was always the start to a new adventure for me as I have been traveling by plane since even before I was born. I look at my dad's old headsets from his general aviation days and wish I'd followed his path and become a pilot.

Plus, my wife is more than 2000 miles away and we haven't seen each other for more than a month and a half. Sure would be nice to hop on a plane and go for a visit....

