Am I the only Fuddy Duddy?

My wife and I are real party animals. She starts her day at between 4:30 and 5:00 am. I sleep in until 6:00. Then the partying begins. We start with having a cup of coffee and reading the news online. Then we're off to adventures at the grocery store, hardware store, farm store, and whatever other commercial entity we can think of. We take time out for a little lunch then dive into the fun things at home like cleaning the house, doing the laundry, washing dishes, and all the other things that come with owning a home. When that's done it's more partying. She does her quilting and birding; I spend time in the shop either making something or repairing something that broke.

Thee fun never stops, by now it's time to have a quick happy hour and make dinner. I settle in with a V8 and she has a Manhattan. After dinner it's a bit more time in the shop, maybe a little television, and one more V8 for the road. She hits the hay between 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm. I continue to party on until around 10:00 or so. It's partying on like this day after day. I see no reason to interrupt all this fun and games by spending time watching people make fools of themselves and fall off bar stools. I can do that in the comfort of my home without any help or witnesses.

That's my story and I'm sticking with it!!!
I haven't been to a New Year's Eve party at a public venue for more than fifty years.

We have been going to a neighborhood New Year's Eve party for the past 20+ years. It is within walking distance so no problem with overindulgence. It's a chance to find out what's happening in the neighborhood. We ring the new year in with a glass of champagne at midnight but often don't get home until 2AM. We're both night owls so no problem with dozing off.

But parties in general aren't my thing. My preference is one or two couples for a dinner party. With a crowd, it's hard to have any meaningful conversations, especially if your hosting.
I can’t recall the last time I went out for New Years Eve. My wife doesn’t like going out much anyways, and the past few years has gone to bed at her normal time. She is away this year, so I might be skipping the ball drop myself.

Another reason to stay in, my son totaled one of our cars last summer when a drunk pulled out right in front of him from a restaurant. He was not at fault at all and our car insurance bill still went up 120%. It’s bad enough the rest of the year, but definitely not worth going out during amateur hour.

Having said that, sometimes you need to do things you really don’t want to with your significant other, because you don’t know how much time you have left with each other.
We ring the new year in with a glass of champagne at midnight but often don't get home until 2AM. We're both night owls so no problem with dozing off.
Good for you!!
There is no way I could stay up that late. I get up at 2:00AM more than I'd like to admit.

I'm the opposite of a night owl.
You’re not the only fuddy duddy. I haven’t celebrated new years but twice in 30 years.