After splitting the clamps I bolted them to a chunk of ally plate,
I filed a groove for the 8mm shaft to sit in preventing the clamp from spinning round the bolt when I fly cut the profile in the end for the finder rings to sit.
Ask me how I knew that would happen.
both clamps profiled to fit the rings BUT........
Yep, when originally splitting the clamps into two I went too far with the saw and nicked the end.
Never mind, a quick design change and round these ones over. (no I'm not going back to do the others so they look the same)
And now for another design change, sorry, advanced feature.
The finder scope wont pass through the rings now the bolt is in place so I had to shave a little from the screw head, flatten the inside of the ring so the bolt head sat flat and lower and took a shaving from the offending lens cell of the finder.
Next stop powder coating the lens cell and hope I left enough clearance.