I started on a "socket caddie" during Thanksgiving weekend, but smoked the. .25 hp motor on my mickey mouse drill press.
I got the go ahead to get a replacement drill press for Christmas, so I did some serching.
On Craigslist about 35 minutes from me was this.
The owner said it was his late fathers, and it hadent drilled a straight hole in 20 years. He went on to say it had a bent spindel. I set up a time to eyeball it and negotiated him down to $50.
2 weeks ago I got a chance to really clean it up, it needed a new cord, and a switch.
The morse 2 to jt3 chuck adapter had about 15 thousants run out, so a new one was ordered.
This evining the family was still out and about when I got home sooooooo.
The chuck now has .003" run out.
The holes were finished (I lacked the 3 biggest ones)
and the 1/2" drive impact sockets now have a non plastic resting place.
Sent from somewhere in East Texas Jake Parker